Indicator Name |
Subcategory I |
Subcategory II |
Subcategory III |
Technical name |
Scale |
Short description
Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_emp_pop_15m |
metric |
Measures the employment ratio of a country’s male population aged 15 or older.
Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_emp_pop_15f |
metric |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_emp_pop_15t |
metric |
Employment to population ratio, 15-24, male (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_emp_pop_1524m |
metric |
Employment to population ratio, 15-24, female (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_emp_pop_1524f |
metric |
Employment to population ratio, 15-24, total (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_emp_pop_1524t |
metric |
Labor force participation rate, 15+, male (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Labour force participation |
Rate |
socstr_lfp_pop_15m |
metric |
Labor force participation rate, 15+, female (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Labour force participation |
Rate |
socstr_lfp_pop_15f |
metric |
Labor force participation rate, 15+, total (national estimate) |
Labour market participation |
Labour force participation |
Rate |
socstr_lfp_pop_15t |
metric |
Labor force with advanced education/total working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu3_wpop_t |
metric |
Labor force with advanced education/female working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu3_wpop_f |
metric |
Labor force with advanced education/male working-age population) |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu3_wpop_m |
metric |
Labor force with intermediate education/total working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu2_wpop_t |
metric |
Labor force with intermediate education/female working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu2_wpop_f |
metric |
Labor force with intermediate education/male working-age population) |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu2_wpop_15m |
metric |
Labor force with basic education/total working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu1_wpop_t |
metric |
Labor force with basic education/female working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu1_wpop_f |
metric |
Labor force with basic education/male working-age population |
Labour market participation |
Education |
Rate |
socstr_lfpedu1_wpop_15m |
metric |
Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=0.5) |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_atkincoef_eps05 |
metric |
Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=1) |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_atkincoef_eps1 |
metric |
Gini Coefficient (LIS) |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_gini_coef_lis |
metric |
Gini (at disposable income post taxes & transfers) |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_gini_disinc_oecd |
metric |
Income inequality: S80/S20 disposable income quintile share |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_s80s20_disinc_oecd |
metric |
Income inequality: P90/P10 disposable income decile ratio |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_p90p10_disinc_oecd |
metric |
Income inequality: P90/P50 disposable income decile ratio |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_p90p50_disinc_oecd |
metric |
Income inequality: P50/P10 disposable income decile ratio |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_p50p10_disinc_oecd |
metric |
GINI index (World Bank estimate) |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_gini_ndx_wb |
metric |
Gini Coefficient (WIID) |
Economic inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_gini_coef_wiid4 |
metric |
Human Development Index |
Human Development |
Development indicator |
Index value |
socstr_hdi_undp |
metric |
Relative poverty rates: Entire population |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Rate |
socstr_repovratetpop_oecd |
metric |
Relative poverty rates: Children (age 0-17) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Rate |
socstr_repovratechild_oecd |
metric |
Relative poverty rates: Working-age population (age 18-65) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Rate |
socstr_repovratewap_oecd |
metric |
Relative poverty rates: Retirement-age population (over 65) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Rate |
socstr_repovratera_oecd |
metric |
Poverty gap entire population |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Percentage |
socstr_povgaptpop_oecd |
metric |
Poverty gap at dollar 1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (%) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Percentage |
socstr_povgap190_11_wb |
metric |
Poverty gap at dollar 3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (%) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Percentage |
socstr_povgap320_11_wb |
metric |
Urban poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of urban pop.) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Rate |
socstr_urbpovratio_wb |
metric |
Poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Percentage |
socstr_povgapnat_wb |
metric |
Rural poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of rural pop.) |
Economic inequality |
Poverty measure |
Percentage |
socstr_rurpovratio_wb |
metric |
Gender Inequality Index |
Social inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_gdi_undp |
metric |
Population, total |
socstr_pop_tot_unctad |
metric |
Absolute value of population based on UNCTAD statistics
Total male population |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_totma_pp |
metric |
Total female population |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_totfe_pp |
metric |
Total population, both sexes |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_tot_pp |
metric |
Population per square kilometre |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_dens_pp |
metric |
Male population ages 0-14 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0014ma_pp |
metric |
Female population ages 0-14 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0014fe_pp |
metric |
Total population ages 0-14 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0014to_pp |
metric |
Male population ages 0-19 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0019ma_pp |
metric |
Female population ages 0-19 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0019fe_pp |
metric |
Total population ages 0-19 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0019to_pp |
metric |
Male population ages 15-64 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_1564ma_pp |
metric |
Female population ages 15-64 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_1564fe_pp |
metric |
Total population ages 15-64 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_1564to_pp |
metric |
Male population ages 0-64 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0064ma_pp |
metric |
Female population ages 0-64 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0064fe_pp |
metric |
Total population ages 0-64 |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_0064to_pp |
metric |
Male population ages 60 and above |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_60upma_pp |
metric |
Female population ages 60 and above |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_60upfe_pp |
metric |
Total population ages 60 and above |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_60upto_pp |
metric |
Male population ages 65 and above |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_65upma_pp |
metric |
Female population ages 65 and above |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_65upfe_pp |
metric |
Total population ages 65 and above |
Population |
Thousands |
socstr_pop_65upto_pp |
metric |
Total fertility rate |
Population |
Children per woman |
socstr_pop_tfr_gp |
metric |
Life expectancy at birth |
Population |
Years |
socstr_pop_lex_gp |
metric |
Global Gender Gap Index |
Social inequality |
Inequality measure |
Index value |
socstr_si_im_gggi |
metric |
The index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, education, health and political criteria (WEF).
Gender Wage Gap |
Social inequality |
Inequality measure |
Gap |
socstr__si_im_gwg |
metric |
Difference between median earnings of men and women relative to median earnings of men (OECD).
Maternal Employment Rate, partnered mothers |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_lm_ep_merpm |
metric |
Employment rates (%) for partnered mothers (15-64 year olds) with at least one child under 15 (OECD).
Maternal Employment Rate, sole-parent mothers |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Rate |
socstr_lm_ep_mersm |
metric |
Employment rates (%) for sole-parent mothers (15-64 year olds) with at least one child under 15 (OECD).
Children in employment, total |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Percentage |
socstr_lm_ep_cept |
metric |
This indicator measures children involved in economic activity aged 7 – 14 and not attending school (Understanding Children’s Work).
Children in employment, female |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Percentage |
socstr_lm_ep_cepf |
metric |
This indicator measures female children involved in economic activity aged 7 – 14 and not attending school (Understanding Children’s Work).
Children in employment, male |
Labour market participation |
Employment |
Percentage |
socstr_lm_ep_cepm |
metric |
This indicator measures male children involved in economic activity aged 7 – 14 and not attending school (Understanding Children’s Work).