Poverty gap at dollar 3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (%)
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | socstr_povgap320_11_wb |
Category | Social structure |
Label | Poverty gap at dollar 3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (%) |
Related indicators |
This indicator measures poverty with a poverty gap at 3.20 dollars a day. It expresses a percentage of the poverty line and reflects the depth of poverty and its incidence. This means the shortfall in consumption or income from 3.20 dollars a day whereby the non-poor do not has any shortfall.
Coding rules
Ratio = (households with shortfall / households without shortfall)
Bibliographic info
Citation: World Bank. 2016. World development indicators. The World Bank Washington DC.
Related publications:
Project manager(s): Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Karolin Meyer
Data release:- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- Teorell, Jan, Stefan Dahlberg, Sören Holmberg, Bo Rothstein, Natalia Alvarado Pachon and Richard Svensson. 2019. The Quality of Government Standard Dataset, version Jan19. University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute. http://www.qog.pol.gu.se doi:10.18157/qogstdjan19