All pages
- ABEGS Membership
- ADB Membership
- ALECSO Membership
- APEC Membership
- ASEAN Membership
- ASEF Membership
- AU Membership
- Abbreviations
- Abolishment of allowance to homeschooling (CRC 1342)
- Abolishment of between school tracking (CRC 1342)
- Abolishment of compulsory education for females (CRC 1342)
- Abolishment of public funding for private schools (CRC 1342)
- Abolition of Forced Labor, Year
- Actors responsible for financing
- Actors responsible for financing at introduction
- Actors responsible for regulation (description)
- Actors responsible for regulation at introduction
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, both sexes (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, female (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, male(UIS)
- Adoption by same sex couples
- Adult illiterate population, 15+ years, female (UIS)
- Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years, both sexes (UIS)
- Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years, female (UIS)
- Adult literacy rate, population 15+ years, male (UIS)
- AfDB Membership
- African Civilization
- Age of first selection
- Age of first selection (CRC 1342)
- Agency work is prohibited or strictly controlled
- Agency workers have the right to equal treatment
- Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO
- Albanian Language Group
- Allowance of homeschooling binary (CRC 1342)
- Animist Religion Dominant
- Animist Religions
- Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank
- Annual leave entitlements
- Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank
- Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank
- Antidiscrimination protection in the workplace
- Any Wars Deaths, CoW
- Arabic as predominant language
- Armenian Language Group
- At War, CoW
- Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=0.5)
- Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=1)
- Atlantic-Congo Language Group
- Availability of child benefit for residents, regardless of citizenship status
- Baha'i Religion Dominant
- Baha’i
- Balto-Slavic Language Group
- Barriers to parties
- Behavioral conditions based on education in the child benefit for citizens/residents
- Behavioral conditions based on health in the child benefit for citizens/residents
- Behavioral conditions based on nutrition in the child benefit for citizens/residents
- Behavioral conditions based on participatory activities in the child benefit for citizens/residents
- Behavioral conditions based on vaccination in the child benefit for citizens/residents
- Behavioral conditions in the child benefit for citizens/residents
- Behavioral conditions in the child benefit system
- Between school tracking
- Between school tracking binary (CRC 1342)
- Bilateral Aid to Education - Importance for Receiver
- Bilateral Aid to Education - Importance for Sender
- Bilateral Aid to Education - Nr. of donations
- Bilateral Aid to Education Aiddata
- Bilateral Migration Flow
- Bilateral Migration Flow - normalized on destination population
- Bilateral Migration Flow - normalized on migration volume of destination
- Bilateral Migration Flow - normalized on migration volume of origin
- Bilateral Migration Flow - normalized on origin population
- Border Length Percent
- Border Length Quantity of Neighbor Countries
- Border Length Total Length
- Broad protection laws for LGBTQ+ persons
- Buddhism
- Buddhism--Other
- Buddhism—Mahayana
- Buddhism—Theravada
- Buddhist Civilization
- Buddhist Religion Dominant
- CARICOM Membership
- CBSS Membership
- CIS Membership
- Capital City Coordinates
- Capital City Name
- Capital Distance in km
- Capital Proximity Dyadic
- Capital health expenditure as percentage of GDP (World Bank)
- Care leave
- Caregiver allowance
- Cash allowance
- Cash benefits – character codes
- Cash benefits – numeric codes
- Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF
- Chadic Language Group
- Child benefit three children ( % of net average income)
- Children in employment, female
- Children in employment, male
- Children in employment, total
- Chinese Language Group
- Christian Religion Dominant
- Christianity
- Christianity—Anglican
- Christianity—Eastern Orthodox
- Christianity—Others
- Christianity—Protestants
- Christianity—Roman Catholics
- Civic education compulsory binary (CRC 1342)
- Civic non-formal education
- Civil Liberties Quantile 1
- Civil Liberties Quantile 2
- Civil Liberties Quantile 3
- Civil Liberties Quantile 4
- Closed shops
- Code of healthcare system type at introduction
- Codetermination and information/consultation of workers
- Codetermination board membership
- Coding rules
- Col netw decay exp
- Col netw decay log
- Colonized by Australia
- Colonized by Austria
- Colonized by Belgium
- Colonized by China
- Colonized by Egypt
- Colonized by France
- Colonized by Germany
- Colonized by Greece
- Colonized by Haiti
- Colonized by Hungary
- Colonized by Italy
- Colonized by Japan
- Colonized by Portugal
- Colonized by Russia
- Colonized by South Africa
- Colonized by Spain
- Colonized by Sweden
- Colonized by Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
- Colonized by United States of America
- Colonized by the Netherlands
- Colonized by the United Kingdom
- Colony of Belgium, ever
- Colony of Britain, ever
- Colony of France, ever
- Colony of Germany, ever
- Colony of Italy, ever
- Colony of Netherlands, ever
- Colony of Portugal, ever
- Colony of Spain, ever
- Combined Polity Score. Polity IV.
- Combined Polity Score (Revised p4). Polity IV.
- Common entrance or exit exam binary (CRC 1342)
- Communication
- Comp sector
- Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.
- Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV.
- Completion rates
- Compulsory Schooling existent binary (CRC 1342)
- Compulsory conciliation or arbitration
- Compulsory contributory health insurance schemes as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Compulsory contributory health insurance schemes as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Compulsory contributory health insurance schemes in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Compulsory contributory health insurance schemes in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Compulsory contributory health insurance schemes in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Compulsory contributory health insurance schemes in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Compulsory financing arrangements as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Compulsory health insurance as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Compulsory medical saving accounts as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Compulsory medical saving accounts as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Compulsory medical saving accounts in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Compulsory medical saving accounts in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Compulsory medical saving accounts in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Compulsory medical saving accounts in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Compulsory pre-primary education binary (CRC 1342)
- Compulsory private insurance schemes as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Compulsory private insurance schemes as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Compulsory private insurance schemes in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Compulsory private insurance schemes in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Compulsory private insurance schemess in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Compulsory private insurance schemess in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Compulsory schooling for females binary (CRC 1342)
- Confucian Religion Dominant
- Confucianism
- Constitutional discrimination protection for LGBTQ+ persons
- Consulting (care giver)
- Consulting (care recipient)
- Content of the legislation introducing the healthcare system
- Conversion therapy banned on federal level
- Copyright issues
- Corrupt activities in judicial decisions
- Corrupt activities of members of legislature
- Country Midpoint Coordinates
- Country Midpoint Distance in km
- Country codes
- Country codes archive
- Coverage of old-age pension, aggregate
- Coverage of old-age pension, agriculture 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, agriculture 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, all citizens 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, all citizens 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, commerce and finance 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, commerce and finance 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, domestic and family workers 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, domestic and family workers 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, domestis and family workers 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, domestis and family workers 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, employers 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, employers 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, extractive and manufacturing industry 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, extractive and manufacturing industry 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, foreign workers 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, foreign workers 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, home workers 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, home workers 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, horizontal
- Coverage of old-age pension, self-employed 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, self-employed 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, students and apprentices 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, students and apprentices 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, temporary and seasonal workers 1
- Coverage of old-age pension, temporary and seasonal workers 2
- Coverage of old-age pension, vertical
- Criminalization of same sex acts
- Criteria for Entitlement
- Cultural Spheres Network
- Culture
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, both sexes (UIS)
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, female (UIS)
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education, male (UIS)
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (UIS)
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, female (UIS)
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of primary education, male (UIS)
- Current Health Expenditure as % Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (GHED)
- Current health expenditure as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Current health expenditure as percentage of GDP (WHO)
- Current health expenditure as percentage of GDP (World Bank)
- Current health expenditure in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Current health expenditure in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Current health expenditure in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Current health expenditure in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) (WB)
- Current health expenditure per capita in US$ (GHED)
- Current health expenditure per capita in US$ (WHO)
- Current health expenditure per capita in US$ (World Bank)
- Current health expenditure per capita in purchasing power parities (GHED)
- Cushitic Language Group
- Data quality
- Date of Major Reform of the healthcare system (de facto)(if available)
- Date of Major Reform of the healthcare system (de jure)
- Date of healthcare system introduction
- Date of the first law - Family allowances
- Day curative care expenditure as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Day curative care expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Day curative care expenditure in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Day curative care expenditure in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Day curative care expenditure in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Day curative care expenditure in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- De facto coverage of children by the child benefit for citizens/residents
- De facto coverage of households by the child benefit for citizens/residents
- De facto coverage of the child population (%) by the child benefit for citizens/residents
- De jure coverage of self-employed workers by employment-based child benefit
- De jure coverage of workers in the agricultural sector by employment-based child benefit
- De jure coverage of workers in the commercial sector by employment-based child benefit
- De jure coverage of workers in the industrial sector by employment-based child benefit
- Decriminalization of same sex acts
- Deliberative democracy index
- Density of adult day centre places per 10,000 population (WHO)
- Density of hospital beds (per 10000 of population)
- Density of pharmaceutical personnel (per 10 000 population) (WHO)
- Density of residential long-term care beds per 10,000 population (WHO)
- Density of residential long-term care facilities per 100,000 population (WHO)
- Description distinct long-term care system at introduction (type B)
- Design of old-age pension program
- Design of old-age pension program, second pillar
- Direct economic loss attributed to disasters
- Direct economic loss attributed to disasters relative to GDP
- Dismissal protection depends on size of enterprise
- Dismissing costs for part-time workers is proportional
- Distinct long-term care system introduction: Dominant actor financing
- Distinct long-term care system introduction: Dominant actor regulation
- Distinct long-term care system introduction: Dominant actor service provision
- Domestic autonomy
- Domestic general government expenditure on day curative care as percentage current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on day curative care as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on day curative care in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on day curative care in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on day curative care in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on day curative care in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on inpatient curative care as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on inpatient curative care as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on inpatient curative care in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on inpatient curative care in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on inpatient curative care in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on inpatient curative care in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on long-term care (health) in million NCU (WHO)
- Domestic general government expenditure on long-term care (health) in percentage of GDP (WHO)
- Domestic general government expenditure on medical goods (non-specified by function) as percentage current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on medical goods (non-specified by function) as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on medical goods (non-specified by function) in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on medical goods (non-specified by function) in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on medical goods (non-specified by function) in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on medical goods (non-specified by function) in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on outpatient curative care n.e.c. in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on outpatient curative care n.e.c. in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on outpatient curative care n.e.c. in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on outpatient curative care n.e.c. in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on outpatient curative care n.e.c. percentage current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on outpatient curative care n.e.c. percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on specialised outpatient curative care as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on specialised outpatient curative care as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on specialised outpatient curative care in current US$ per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on specialised outpatient curative care in current national currency units per capita (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on specialised outpatient curative care in million constant (2016) US$ (GHED)
- Domestic general government expenditure on specialised outpatient curative care in million constant (2016) national currency units (GHED)
- Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of GDP (GHED)
- Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of GDP (WHO)
- Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of GDP (World Bank)
- Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (World Bank)
- Domestic general government health expenditure as percentage of total government expenditure (World Bank)
- Domestic general government health expenditure per capita (current US$) (WB)
- Domestic general government health expenditure per capita in US$ (GHED)
- Domestic general government health expenditure per capita in US$ (World Bank)
- Domestic private health expenditure as percentage current health expenditure (GHED)
- Domestic private health expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (WHO)
- Domestic private health expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (World Bank)
- Domestic private health expenditure per capita (current US$) (WB)
- Domestic private health expenditure per capita in US$ (GHED)
- Domestic private health expenditure per capita in US$ (WHO)
- Domestic private health expenditure per capita in US$ (World Bank)
- Duration of VET
- Duration of VET (CRC 1342)
- Duration of compulsory education (UIS)
- Duration of higher education
- Duration of higher education (CRC 1342)
- Duration of lower secondary education (CRC 1342)
- Duration of main child benefit: Difference in duration between children in education and not in education
- Duration of minimum education in years
- Duration of minimum education in years (CRC 1342)
- Duration of paid maternity leave (weeks) (Comparative Family Database)
- Duration of paid maternity leave (weeks) (ILO)