Copyright issues

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Every source has specific terms of use (ToU) or copyright statements affecting the way the data can be stored and disseminated in WeSIS. Prior to making WeSIS publicly available such copyright issues need to be resolved. For this reason, on this page we are collecting the terms of use of different sources. Please add one row per source and file the following information every time you start working with a new one:

  • Provider: Note the "provider" of the data.

Typically, this will be a larger organization like OECD, EuroStat, WHO etc.

  • Specification: Mark the specific data source or dataset and add a link if applicable.

Note: Larger organizations do not per se allow or restrict access. They rather grant it specifically for some data. For example: the terms of use for OECD's social expenditure data base SOCX is different from OECD's PISA results. If the same rules apply for other data from the same provider you may simply add those sources here as a list. Otherwise add a new row and file the necessary information.

  • Link to ToU: If possible, provide a link to the terms of use.
  • Most relevant paragraph of ToU: Copy and paste the most relevant paragraph applicable to storing data in WeSIS and making them publicly available later on via WeSIS.
  • Who looked it up? State the full name of who looked it up and the project in brackets.
  • Date of last check: Note when you checked it.
  • Dissemination to the public: Assign a "traffic light" based on your readings of the ToU as a non-lawyer. Use the following categories
    • green: According to the ToU storing and making the data available to the public in WeSIS seems unproblematic.
    • yellow: The ToU are unclear and need clarification by the "Task Force Copyright".
    • red: There are obvious restrictions that may even require ordering a legal opinion by the "Task Force Copyright".
  • Comment: Please note any changes you encounter or indicate whether copyright issues have (already) been resolved in a mutual agreement with the provider.
Provider Specify data source Link to terms of use Most relevant paragraph of ToU Who looked it up? Date of last check Dissemination to the public Comment and/or status update(s)
OECD Social Expenditure Data Base (c) Data

The OECD makes data (the “Data”) available for use and consultation by the public. Data may be subject to restrictions beyond the scope of these Terms and Conditions, either because specific terms apply to those Data or because third parties may have ownership interests. It is the User’s responsibility to verify, either directly in the metadata or, if available, by clicking on the (i) icon and then referring to the "source" tab, whether the Data is fully or partially owned by third parties and/or whether additional restrictions may apply, and to contact the owner of the Data before incorporating it in your work in order to secure the necessary permissions. The OECD in no way represents or warrants that it owns or controls all rights in all Data, and the OECD will not be liable to any User for any claims brought against the User by third parties in connection with the use of any Data.

Except where additional restrictions apply as stated above, You can extract from, download, copy, adapt, print, distribute, share and embed Data for any purpose, even for commercial use. You must give appropriate credit to the OECD by using the citation associated with the relevant Data, or, if no specific citation is available, You must cite the source information using the following format: OECD (year), (dataset name),(data source) DOI or URL (accessed on (date)). When sharing or licensing work created using the Data, You agree to include the same acknowledgment requirement in any sub-licenses that You grant, along with the requirement that any further sub-licensees do the same.

Nils Düpont (A01) 2019.04.08 (actually "green" except where explicitly stated otherwise)
UN COMTRADE UN Comtrade Data iv. Data from the UN COMTRADE database are copyrighted by the United Nations.

v. UN COMTRADE data are provided for internal use only and may not be re-disseminated in any form without the written permission of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

Sebastian Haunss (A04) 2019.04.08
Eurostat Eurostat Eurostat has a policy of encouraging free re-use of its data, both for non-commercial and commercial purposes. All statistical data, metadata, content of web pages or other dissemination tools, official publications and other documents published on its website, with the exceptions listed below, can be reused without any payment or written licence provided that:
  • the source is indicated as Eurostat;
  • when re-use involves modifications to the data or text, this must be stated clearly to the end user of the information.


  1. The permission granted above does not extend to any material whose copyright is identified as belonging to a third-party, such as photos or illustrations from copyright holders other than the European Union. In these circumstances, authorisation must be obtained from the relevant copyright holder(s).
  2. Logos and trademarks are excluded from the above mentioned general permission, except if they are redistributed as an integral part of a Eurostat publication and if the publication is redistributed unchanged.
  3. When reuse involves translations of publications or modifications to the data or text, this must be stated clearly to the end user of the information. A disclaimer regarding the non-responsibility of Eurostat shall be included.
  4. The following Eurostat data and documents may not be reused for commercial purposes (but non-commercial reuse is possible without restriction):
    1. Data identified as belonging to sources other than Eurostat; all data published on Eurostat's website can be regarded as belonging to Eurostat for the purpose of their reuse, with the exceptions stated below, or if it is explicitly stated otherwise.
    2. Publications or documents where the copyright belongs partly or wholly to other organisations, for example concerning co-publications between Eurostat and other publishers.
    3. Data on countries other than
      * Member States of the European Union (EU), and
      * Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and
      * official EU acceding and candidate countries.
      * Examples are data on the United States of America, Japan or China. Often, such data are included in Eurostat data tables. In such cases, a re-user would need to eliminate such data from the tables before reusing them commercially.
    4. Trade data originating from Liechtenstein and Switzerland (as declaring countries), from 1995 onwards, and concerning the following commodity classifications: HS, SITC, BEC, NSTR and national commodity classifications. Thus it is, for example, not allowed to sell export/import data declared by Switzerland (concerning the above named commodity classifications). However, it is allowed to sell Swiss export/import data declared by an EU Member State (but see below a similar exception for Austria).
    5. Trade data originating from Austria (as a declaring country) for a level of detail of the Combined Nomenclature of 8 digits; again, it is not allowed to sell export/import declared by Austria (concerning the above named commodity classifications), but it is allowed to sell Austrian export/import data declared by another EU Member State.
Sebastian Haunss (A04) 2019.04.08

1. Reproduction of extracts

Reproduction of ILO material is authorized free of charge and without formal written permission within the following limits:

  • For a text extract not exceeding 400 words
  • For up to 2 tables, figures or illustrations
  • For a series of extracts totalling less than 800 words of which any one extract is at the most 300 words
  • For data that is used for non-commercial purposes.

In all cases of reproduction, the source must be acknowledged as follows: "Copyright © International Labour Organization + year". For requests to reproduce more substantial material or f or commercial purposes complete the form for reproduction of extracts .

For International Labour Review inquiries:

  • Requests to reproduce or translate articles published up to 2007 should be addressed to
  • Requests to reproduce or translate articles published as of 2008 should follow the instructions provided in the Wiley Online Library.

Please note that short excerpts may be reproduced without authorization on condition that the complete source is clearly indicated; abstracting and other journals may similarly reprint the synopses of Review articles provided in the table of contents.

2. Reproduction of data

For non-commercial purposes, any required permission is hereby granted and no further permission must be obtained from the ILO, but acknowledgement to the ILO as the original source must be made.

For the re-use of ILO data for commercial purposes, please submit a formal request using the online form at form for reproduction of extracts .

3. Translations

Reproduction of ILO material is authorized free of charge and without formal written permission within the following limits:

  • For a text extract not exceeding 400 words
  • For up to 2 tables, figures or illustrations
  • For a series of extracts totalling less than 800 words of which any one extract is at the most 300 words.

In all cases of translation, the source must be acknowledged as follows: "Copyright © International Labour Organization + year". For requests to reproduce more substantial material or for commercial purposes complete the form for translations of ILO publications .


Jenny Hahs (A03) 2020.04.15