Combined Polity Score (Revised p4). Polity IV.
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | polnat_polity_polity2 |
Category | Political factors |
Label | Combined Polity Score |
Related indicators |
Combined Polity Score: Revised Combined Polity Score: This variable is a modified version of the POLITY variable added in order to facilitate the use of the POLITY regime measure in time-series analyses.
Coding rules
It modifies the combined annual POLITY score by applying a simple treatment, or ““fix,” to convert instances of “standardized authority scores” (i.e., -66, -77, and -88) to conventional polity scores (i.e., within the range, -10 to +10). The values have been converted according to the following rule set:
-66 Cases of foreign “interruption” are treated as “system missing.”
-77 Cases of “interregnum,” or anarchy, are converted to a “neutral” Polity score of “0.”
-88 Cases of “transition” are prorated across the span of the transition.
For example, country X has a POLITY score of -7 in 1957, followed by three years of -88 and, finally, a score of +5 in 1961. The change (+12) would be prorated over the intervening three years at a rate of per year, so that the converted scores would be as follows: 1957 -7; 1958 -4; 1959 -1; 1960 +2; and 1961 +5.
Note: Ongoing (-88) transitions in the most recent year are converted to “system
missing” values. Transitions (-88) following a year of independence, interruption (-66),
or interregnum (-77) are prorated from the value “0.”
Bibliographic info
Citation: Marshall, Monty G., Ted Robert Gurr, and Keith Jaggers. 2017. Dataset Users’ Manual. Polity IV Project. Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2016. Center for Systemic Peace.
Related publications: related publications
Project manager(s): project managers
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet