Civic education compulsory binary (CRC 1342)
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Binary |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | edu_civic |
Category | Education and training |
Label | Civic education compulsory binary |
Related indicators |
This indicator refers to the question whether universalistic ethics education is compulsory at any point in compulsory school-life.
Coding rules
It relates to Universalistic Ethics as a school-subject, not Social Sciences or Politics etc.
Subcategory I: Cultural reproduction
Cultural reproduction includes indicators specifying subjects or courses taught within the compulsory section of state mandated schooling. These indicators include the reform of languages of instruction, as well as their specification. If there are more than three indigenous languages available as medium of instruction for the entire program, they were coded as indigenous languages. Many states however, include one or two official languages, often English and multiple indigenous languages to server smaller groups. The languages was only coded if the entire program was to be taught in this langue, instead of single classes. The language of instruction does not need to be an official language, but needs to be specifically allowed by the state. Another group of indicators of cultural reproduction is the teaching of religion, universalistic ethics or Marxist-Leninist philosophies within the state-mandated curriculum. These indicators are binary and denote the compulsory nature of these aspects.
Subcategory II: Curriculum
The indicators in this dataset can be grouped into 5 categories, based on the information they contain: system, resources, performance, participation and cultural reproduction. In addition, a second category allows a more differentiated classification of the different indicators. In general, the systems category defines all legally implemented structures of education systems (e.g. the introduction of compulsory schooling). Resources denotes financial or personnel resources a system can distribute (e.g. student-teacher ratios). Performance describes indicators linked to the successful progression of student through the education system (for example completion rates). Cultural reproduction is mostly linked to the curriculum and describes indicators related to teaching content. The grouping of indicators allows for a better overview of the data as displayed in WESIS.
For further information see the Technical Paper [1].
Bibliographic info
Citation: Windzio, Michael; Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen, 2021: Historical Education System Data (HESDat), SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series/12/2021, Bremen: SFB 1342.
Related publications:
Project manager(s): Fabian Besche-Truthe, Michael Windzio, Helen Seitzer
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
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- Kirdar, Serra, ed. 2019. Education in the Arab world. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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- Harber, Clive, ed. 2015. Education in Southern Africa. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Takyi-Amoako, Emefa, ed. 2016. Education in West Africa. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic
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