Density of adult day centre places per 10,000 population (WHO)
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | health_LTC_provision_AdultDayCentres_Per10000 |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Density of adult day centre places per 10,000 population (WHO) |
Related indicators |
This indicator shows the density of places in adult day care centres per 10,000 inhabitants by the WHO as outlined in WHO 2020. Adult day centre is a facility that typically provides care for users during the day. The facilities are generally: (i) available to groups of users at the same time (rather than delivering services to individuals one at a time), (ii) expect users to stay at the facilities beyond the periods during which they have face-to-face contact with staff (i.e. the service is not simply based on users coming for appointments with staff and then leaving immediately after the appointment) and (iii) involve attendances that last half or one full day. The method of estimation consists in listing of facilities available in a country to provide support and inpatient/outpatient care for people with dementia provided by the national authority's response.
Coding rules
For additional documentation on the indicator by WHO see WHO 2020.
Bibliographic info
Citation: World Health Organization (WHO). 09.2018. "Adult day centre places (per 10,000 population)."
- World Health Organization (WHO). 2020. "THE GLOBAL HEALTH OBSERVATORY. Indicators."
- World Health Organization (WHO). 2016. Global Health Observatory metadata.
Project manager(s): A04 project, main responsible person Johanna Fischer
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- World Health Organization (WHO). 09.2018. "Global Health Observatory data repository. Dementia health and social care facilities. Adult day centres."