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Institutional Regime Variables from Polity IV
{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
Indicators of Democracy and Autocracy
{| class="wikitable"
! Variable Name !! Variable Description !! Values
! Indicator name*
! Subcategory I
! Subcategory II
! Subcategory III
! Technical name*
! Scale*
! Short description
! Data origin*
| polity_democ      || Institutionalized Democracy      || 0 = least / 10 = most democratic  
| [[Institutionalized Democracy. Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Regime Type
| Democratization
| polnat_polity_democ
| Metric
| 0 = least / 10 = most democratic
| 3rd Party Data
| polity_autoc      || Institutionalized Autocracy      || 0 = least / 10 = most autocratic
| [[Institutionalized Autocracy. Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Regime Type
| Democratization
| polnat_polity_autoc
| Metric
| 0 = least / 10 = most autocratic
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Combined Polity Score. Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Regime Type
| Democratization
| polnat_polity_polity
| Metric
| -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Combined Polity Score (Revised p4). Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Regime Type
| Democratization
| polnat_polity_polity2
| Metric
| -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Regime Durability. Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Regime Type
| Stability
| polnat_polity_durable
| Ordinal
| count (# of years since regime score change > 2 points)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_xrreg
| Multinomial
| (1)unregulated (2)designational/transitional (3)regulated
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_xrcomp
| Multinomial
| (1)selection (2)dual/transitional (3)election
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Openness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_xropen
| Multinomial
| (1)closed (2)dual-designation (3)dual-election (4)open
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Executive Constraints (Decision Rules). Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Checks and Balances
| polnat_polity_xconst
| Multinomial
| (1)unlimited authority, through, (7)executive party/subordination
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Regulation of Participation. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_parreg
| Ordinal
| (1)unregulated, through, (5)regulated
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_parcomp
| Multinomial
| (0)not applicable, (1)repressed, through, (5)competitive
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Executive Recruitment Concept. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_exrec
| Multinomial
| 0 = suppressed / 10 = institutionalized electoral
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Executive Constraints Concept. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Check and Balances
| polnat_polity_exconst
| Multinomial
| identical to xconst
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Political Competition Concept. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| polnat_polity_polcomp
| Multinomial
| 10 types, see Addendum C in Polity IV manual
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Electoral democracy index]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_democ_polyarchy_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated high level democracy index, electoral dimension (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Liberal democracy index]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_democ_libdem_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated high level democracy index, liberal dimension (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Participatory democracy index]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_democ_partipdem_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated high level democracy index, participatory dimension (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Deliberative democracy index]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_democ_delibdem_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated high level democracy index, deliberative dimension (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Egalitarian democracy index]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_democ_egaldem_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated high level democracy index, egalitarian dimension (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Rule of law index]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_ruleoflaw_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated mid level rule of law index (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Regimes of the world index (4 categories)]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_regimes_vdem
| Ordinal
| Classification of political regimes (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Regimes of the world index (10 categories)]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_regimes_ambig_vdem
| Ordinal
| More granular classification of political regimes (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Lower chamber female legislators]]
| Politics
| Legislature
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_fem_legislator_perche_vdem
| Metric
| Percentage of female legislators (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Power distributed by gender]]
| Politics
| Political Power
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_power_distri_gender_vdem
| Metric
| Distribution of political power by gender (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Power distributed by socioeconomic position]]
| Politics
| Political Power
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_power_distri_socio_vdem
| Metric
| Distribution of political power by socioeconomic position (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Power distributed by social group]]
| Politics
| Political Power
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_power_distri_social_vdem
| Metric
| Distribution of political power by social group (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Power distributed by sexual orientation]]
| Politics
| Political Power
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_power_distri_sexual_vdem
| Metric
| Distribution of political power by sexual orientation (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Barriers to parties]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_parties_barriers_vdem
| Metric
| Barriers upon political party formation (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Party ban]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_parties_ban_vdem
| Metric
| Bans of political parties (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Opposition parties autonomy]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_parties_oppos_auto_vdem
| Metric
| Independence of opposition parties of the ruling regime (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Party organizations]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_parties_orga_vdem
| Metric
| Permanent organizations of political parties (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Legislative party cohesion]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_parties_cohes_vdem
| Metric
| Cohesion of voting of members of the legislature for important bills (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Party competition across regions]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_parties_compe_region_vdem
| Metric
| Regional competition of major parties (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Domestic autonomy]]
| Polity
| Sovereignty
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_sov_domestic_vdem
| Metric
| Domestic autonomy from other states (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[International autonomy]]
| Polity
| Sovereignty
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_sov_international_vdem
| Metric
| International autonomy from other states (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[State authority over territory]]
| Polity
| Sovereignty
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_sov_territory_vdem
| Metric
| Percentage of the territory the state effectively controls (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[State fiscal source of revenue]]
| Polity
| Sovereignty
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_sov_fiscal_vdem
| Ordinal
| Main source of revenue of the central government (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Independent states]]
| Polity
| Sovereignty
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_sov_independent_vdem
| Binary
| Is the polity an independent state? (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Election dummy lower legislative chamber]]
| Polity
| Elections
| Elections Global
| polnat_polity_election_dummy
| Binary
| Election to lower legislative chamber (yes/no)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Election date lower legislative chamber]]
| Polity
| Elections
| Elections Global
| polnat_polity_election_date_low
| Date
| Date of election to lower legislative chamber
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Regimes of the world index (string)]]
| Polity
| Democratization
| V-Dem
| polnat_polity_regimes_vdem_str
| String
| String version of fourfold classification of political regimes (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Political Constraints III]]
| Polity
| Policy change
| polnat_polity_polconiii_polcon
| Metric
| Index of political constraints (POLCON III)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Political Constraints V]]
| Polity
| Policy change
| polnat_polity_polconv_polcon
| Metric
| Index of political constraints (POLCON V)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Political corruption index]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_corruption_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated mid-level index of corruption (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Executive corruption index]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_corruption_exec_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated mid-level index of corruption of the executive (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Public sector corruption index]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_corruption_publ_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated mid-level index of corruption in the public sector (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Regime corruption index]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_corruption_regime_vdem
| Metric
| Aggregated mid-level index of corruption of political actors (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Election vote buying]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_election_vote_buying_vdem
| Metric
| Evidence of vote and/or turnout buying (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Corrupt activities of members of legislature]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_legislature_corrupt_activities_vdem
| Metric
| Evidence of corrupt activities of members of the legislature (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Corrupt activities in judicial decisions]]
| Politics
| Corruption
| V-Dem
| polnat_politics_corruption_judi_vdem
| Metric
| Evidence of corrupt activities in judicial decisions (V-Dem)
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Name of Head of State (HoS)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| polnat_hos_name
| String
| Name of the Head of State (HoS)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Party affiliation of the Head of State (HoS)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| polnat_hos_party_english
| String
| Harmonized, english party name of the HoS party
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Party Facts ID of HoS party]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| polnat_hos_party_id
| Metric
| Harmonized party ID of the HoS party
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Name of Head of Government (HoG)]]
| Polity
| Political Parties
| polnat_hog_name
| String
| Name of the Head of Government (HoG)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Party affiliation of the Head of Government (HoG)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| polnat_hog_party_english
| String
| Harmonized, english party name of the HoG party
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Party Facts ID of HoG party]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| polnat_hog_party_id
| Metric
| Harmonized party ID of the HoG party
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Effective number of parties (votes; Laakso & Taagepera 1979)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| Party system
| polnat_politics_laaktaag_votes
| Metric
| Effective number of parties based on vote share (Laakso & Taagepera 1979)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Effective number of parties (seats; Laakso & Taagepera 1979)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| Party system
| polnat_politics_laaktaag_seats
| Metric
| Effective number of parties based on seat share (Laakso & Taagepera 1979)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Effective number of parties (votes; Taagepera 1997)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| Party system
| polnat_politics_taag97_votes
| Metric
| Effective number of parties based on vote share (Taagepera 1997)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Effective number of parties (seats; Taagepera 1997)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| Party system
| polnat_politics_taag97_seats
| Metric
| Effective number of parties based on seat share (Taagepera 1997)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Effective number of parties (votes; Golosov 2010)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| Party system
| polnat_politics_golosov_votes
| Metric
| Effective number of parties based on vote share (Golosov 2010)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Effective number of parties (seats; Golosov 2010)]]
| Polity
| Political parties
| Party system
| polnat_politics_golosov_seats
| Metric
| Effective number of parties based on seat share (Golosov 2010)
| CRC Compiled Data
| [[Communist government, ever]]
| Polity
| Regime type
| communist_ever
| Binary
| Communist government with a socialist state-run economy, ever
| [[Communist government, by year]]
| Polity
| Regime type
| communist_year
| Binary
| Communist government with a socialist state-run economy, by year
POLITY Combined Polity Score
POLITY2 Revised Combined Polity Score (p4)
DURABLE Regime Durability (p4)
PERSIST Number of Years Polity Has Persisted (p4d)
3. Authority Characteristics (Component and Concept Variables)........................... 18
STANDARDIZED AUTHORITY CODES (!66, !77, !88).................................... 19
Interruption Periods (!66)
Interregnum Periods (!77)
Transition Periods (!88)
COMPONENT VARIABLES ................................................................................. 20
Executive Recruitment.............................................................................. 20
3.1 XRREG Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment
3.2 XRCOMP Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment
3.3 XROPEN Openness of Executive Recruitment
The Independence of Executive Authority................................................ 23
3.4 XCONST Executive Constraints (Decision Rules)
Political Competition and Opposition........................................................ 25
3.5 PARREG Regulation of Participation
3.6 PARCOMP The Competitiveness of Participation
CONCEPT VARIABLES ....................................................................................... 28
3.7 EXREC Executive Recruitment Concept
3.8 EXCONST Executive Constraints Concept
3.9 POLCOMP Political Competition Concept
4. Polity Regime Transitions.......................................................................................... 29
4.1 PRIOR Prior Polity Code (p4)
4.2 EMONTH Polity End Month
4.3 EDAY Polity End Day
4.4 EYEAR Polity End Year
4.5 EPREC End Date Precision
4.6 INTERIM Interim Polity Code (p4)
4.7 BMONTH Polity Begin Month
4.8 BDAY Polity Begin Day
4.9 BYEAR Polity Begin Year
4.10 BPREC Begin Date Precision
4.11 POST Post Polity Code (p4)
4.12 CHANGE Total change in POLITY value (p4)
4.13 D4 Regime Transition Completed (p4)
4.14 SF State Failure (p4)
4.15 REGTRANS Regime Transition (p4)

Latest revision as of 12:11, 16 June 2024

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description Data origin*
Institutionalized Democracy. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_democ Metric 0 = least / 10 = most democratic 3rd Party Data
Institutionalized Autocracy. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_autoc Metric 0 = least / 10 = most autocratic 3rd Party Data
Combined Polity Score. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_polity Metric -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic 3rd Party Data
Combined Polity Score (Revised p4). Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_polity2 Metric -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic 3rd Party Data
Regime Durability. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Stability polnat_polity_durable Ordinal count (# of years since regime score change > 2 points) 3rd Party Data
Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Polity Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_xrreg Multinomial (1)unregulated (2)designational/transitional (3)regulated 3rd Party Data
Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_xrcomp Multinomial (1)selection (2)dual/transitional (3)election 3rd Party Data
Openness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_xropen Multinomial (1)closed (2)dual-designation (3)dual-election (4)open 3rd Party Data
Executive Constraints (Decision Rules). Polity IV. Politics Government Checks and Balances polnat_polity_xconst Multinomial (1)unlimited authority, through, (7)executive party/subordination 3rd Party Data
Regulation of Participation. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_parreg Ordinal (1)unregulated, through, (5)regulated 3rd Party Data
Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_parcomp Multinomial (0)not applicable, (1)repressed, through, (5)competitive 3rd Party Data
Executive Recruitment Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_exrec Multinomial 0 = suppressed / 10 = institutionalized electoral 3rd Party Data
Executive Constraints Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Check and Balances polnat_polity_exconst Multinomial identical to xconst 3rd Party Data
Political Competition Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_polcomp Multinomial 10 types, see Addendum C in Polity IV manual 3rd Party Data
Electoral democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_polyarchy_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, electoral dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Liberal democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_libdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, liberal dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Participatory democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_partipdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, participatory dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Deliberative democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_delibdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, deliberative dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Egalitarian democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_egaldem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, egalitarian dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Rule of law index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_ruleoflaw_vdem Metric Aggregated mid level rule of law index (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Regimes of the world index (4 categories) Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_vdem Ordinal Classification of political regimes (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Regimes of the world index (10 categories) Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_ambig_vdem Ordinal More granular classification of political regimes (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Lower chamber female legislators Politics Legislature V-Dem polnat_politics_fem_legislator_perche_vdem Metric Percentage of female legislators (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by gender Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_gender_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by gender (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by socioeconomic position Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_socio_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by socioeconomic position (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by social group Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_social_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by social group (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by sexual orientation Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_sexual_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by sexual orientation (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Barriers to parties Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_barriers_vdem Metric Barriers upon political party formation (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Party ban Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_ban_vdem Metric Bans of political parties (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Opposition parties autonomy Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_oppos_auto_vdem Metric Independence of opposition parties of the ruling regime (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Party organizations Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_orga_vdem Metric Permanent organizations of political parties (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Legislative party cohesion Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_cohes_vdem Metric Cohesion of voting of members of the legislature for important bills (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Party competition across regions Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_compe_region_vdem Metric Regional competition of major parties (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Domestic autonomy Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_domestic_vdem Metric Domestic autonomy from other states (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
International autonomy Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_international_vdem Metric International autonomy from other states (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
State authority over territory Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_territory_vdem Metric Percentage of the territory the state effectively controls (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
State fiscal source of revenue Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_fiscal_vdem Ordinal Main source of revenue of the central government (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Independent states Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_independent_vdem Binary Is the polity an independent state? (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Election dummy lower legislative chamber Polity Elections Elections Global polnat_polity_election_dummy Binary Election to lower legislative chamber (yes/no) CRC Compiled Data
Election date lower legislative chamber Polity Elections Elections Global polnat_polity_election_date_low Date Date of election to lower legislative chamber CRC Compiled Data
Regimes of the world index (string) Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_vdem_str String String version of fourfold classification of political regimes (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Political Constraints III Polity Policy change POLCON polnat_polity_polconiii_polcon Metric Index of political constraints (POLCON III) 3rd Party Data
Political Constraints V Polity Policy change POLCON polnat_polity_polconv_polcon Metric Index of political constraints (POLCON V) 3rd Party Data
Political corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Executive corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_exec_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption of the executive (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Public sector corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_publ_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption in the public sector (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Regime corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_regime_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption of political actors (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Election vote buying Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_election_vote_buying_vdem Metric Evidence of vote and/or turnout buying (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Corrupt activities of members of legislature Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_legislature_corrupt_activities_vdem Metric Evidence of corrupt activities of members of the legislature (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Corrupt activities in judicial decisions Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_judi_vdem Metric Evidence of corrupt activities in judicial decisions (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Name of Head of State (HoS) Polity Political parties polnat_hos_name String Name of the Head of State (HoS) CRC Compiled Data
Party affiliation of the Head of State (HoS) Polity Political parties polnat_hos_party_english String Harmonized, english party name of the HoS party CRC Compiled Data
Party Facts ID of HoS party Polity Political parties polnat_hos_party_id Metric Harmonized party ID of the HoS party CRC Compiled Data
Name of Head of Government (HoG) Polity Political Parties polnat_hog_name String Name of the Head of Government (HoG) CRC Compiled Data
Party affiliation of the Head of Government (HoG) Polity Political parties polnat_hog_party_english String Harmonized, english party name of the HoG party CRC Compiled Data
Party Facts ID of HoG party Polity Political parties polnat_hog_party_id Metric Harmonized party ID of the HoG party CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (votes; Laakso & Taagepera 1979) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_laaktaag_votes Metric Effective number of parties based on vote share (Laakso & Taagepera 1979) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (seats; Laakso & Taagepera 1979) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_laaktaag_seats Metric Effective number of parties based on seat share (Laakso & Taagepera 1979) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (votes; Taagepera 1997) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_taag97_votes Metric Effective number of parties based on vote share (Taagepera 1997) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (seats; Taagepera 1997) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_taag97_seats Metric Effective number of parties based on seat share (Taagepera 1997) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (votes; Golosov 2010) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_golosov_votes Metric Effective number of parties based on vote share (Golosov 2010) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (seats; Golosov 2010) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_golosov_seats Metric Effective number of parties based on seat share (Golosov 2010) CRC Compiled Data
Communist government, ever Polity Regime type communist_ever Binary Communist government with a socialist state-run economy, ever
Communist government, by year Polity Regime type communist_year Binary Communist government with a socialist state-run economy, by year