Political factors

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Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description Data origin*
Institutionalized Democracy. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_democ Metric 0 = least / 10 = most democratic 3rd Party Data
Institutionalized Autocracy. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_autoc Metric 0 = least / 10 = most autocratic 3rd Party Data
Combined Polity Score. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_polity Metric -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic 3rd Party Data
Combined Polity Score (Revised p4). Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization polnat_polity_polity2 Metric -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic 3rd Party Data
Regime Durability. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Stability polnat_polity_durable Ordinal count (# of years since regime score change > 2 points) 3rd Party Data
Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Polity Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_xrreg Multinomial (1)unregulated (2)designational/transitional (3)regulated 3rd Party Data
Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_xrcomp Multinomial (1)selection (2)dual/transitional (3)election 3rd Party Data
Openness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_xropen Multinomial (1)closed (2)dual-designation (3)dual-election (4)open 3rd Party Data
Executive Constraints (Decision Rules). Polity IV. Politics Government Checks and Balances polnat_polity_xconst Multinomial (1)unlimited authority, through, (7)executive party/subordination 3rd Party Data
Regulation of Participation. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_parreg Ordinal (1)unregulated, through, (5)regulated 3rd Party Data
Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_parcomp Multinomial (0)not applicable, (1)repressed, through, (5)competitive 3rd Party Data
Executive Recruitment Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_exrec Multinomial 0 = suppressed / 10 = institutionalized electoral 3rd Party Data
Executive Constraints Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Check and Balances polnat_polity_exconst Multinomial identical to xconst 3rd Party Data
Political Competition Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions polnat_polity_polcomp Multinomial 10 types, see Addendum C in Polity IV manual 3rd Party Data
Electoral democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_polyarchy_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, electoral dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Liberal democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_libdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, liberal dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Participatory democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_partipdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, participatory dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Deliberative democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_delibdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, deliberative dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Egalitarian democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_egaldem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, egalitarian dimension (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Rule of law index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_ruleoflaw_vdem Metric Aggregated mid level rule of law index (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Regimes of the world index (4 categories) Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_vdem Ordinal Classification of political regimes (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Regimes of the world index (10 categories) Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_ambig_vdem Ordinal More granular classification of political regimes (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Lower chamber female legislators Politics Legislature V-Dem polnat_politics_fem_legislator_perche_vdem Metric Percentage of female legislators (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by gender Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_gender_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by gender (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by socioeconomic position Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_socio_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by socioeconomic position (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by social group Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_social_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by social group (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Power distributed by sexual orientation Politics Political Power V-Dem polnat_politics_power_distri_sexual_vdem Metric Distribution of political power by sexual orientation (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Barriers to parties Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_barriers_vdem Metric Barriers upon political party formation (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Party ban Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_ban_vdem Metric Bans of political parties (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Opposition parties autonomy Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_oppos_auto_vdem Metric Independence of opposition parties of the ruling regime (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Party organizations Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_orga_vdem Metric Permanent organizations of political parties (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Legislative party cohesion Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_cohes_vdem Metric Cohesion of voting of members of the legislature for important bills (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Party competition across regions Polity Political Parties V-Dem polnat_polity_parties_compe_region_vdem Metric Regional competition of major parties (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Domestic autonomy Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_domestic_vdem Metric Domestic autonomy from other states (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
International autonomy Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_international_vdem Metric International autonomy from other states (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
State authority over territory Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_territory_vdem Metric Percentage of the territory the state effectively controls (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
State fiscal source of revenue Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_fiscal_vdem Ordinal Main source of revenue of the central government (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Independent states Polity Sovereignty V-Dem polnat_polity_sov_independent_vdem Binary Is the polity an independent state? (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Election dummy lower legislative chamber Polity Elections Elections Global polnat_polity_election_dummy Binary Election to lower legislative chamber (yes/no) CRC Compiled Data
Election date lower legislative chamber Polity Elections Elections Global polnat_polity_election_date_low Date Date of election to lower legislative chamber CRC Compiled Data
Regimes of the world index (string) Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_vdem_str String String version of fourfold classification of political regimes (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Political Constraints III Polity Policy change POLCON polnat_polity_polconiii_polcon Metric Index of political constraints (POLCON III) 3rd Party Data
Political Constraints V Polity Policy change POLCON polnat_polity_polconv_polcon Metric Index of political constraints (POLCON V) 3rd Party Data
Political corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Executive corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_exec_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption of the executive (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Public sector corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_publ_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption in the public sector (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Regime corruption index Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_regime_vdem Metric Aggregated mid-level index of corruption of political actors (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Election vote buying Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_election_vote_buying_vdem Metric Evidence of vote and/or turnout buying (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Corrupt activities of members of legislature Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_legislature_corrupt_activities_vdem Metric Evidence of corrupt activities of members of the legislature (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Corrupt activities in judicial decisions Politics Corruption V-Dem polnat_politics_corruption_judi_vdem Metric Evidence of corrupt activities in judicial decisions (V-Dem) 3rd Party Data
Name of Head of State (HoS) Polity Political parties polnat_hos_name String Name of the Head of State (HoS) CRC Compiled Data
Party affiliation of the Head of State (HoS) Polity Political parties polnat_hos_party_english String Harmonized, english party name of the HoS party CRC Compiled Data
Party Facts ID of HoS party Polity Political parties polnat_hos_party_id Metric Harmonized party ID of the HoS party CRC Compiled Data
Name of Head of Government (HoG) Polity Political Parties polnat_hog_name String Name of the Head of Government (HoG) CRC Compiled Data
Party affiliation of the Head of Government (HoG) Polity Political parties polnat_hog_party_english String Harmonized, english party name of the HoG party CRC Compiled Data
Party Facts ID of HoG party Polity Political parties polnat_hog_party_id Metric Harmonized party ID of the HoG party CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (votes; Laakso & Taagepera 1979) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_laaktaag_votes Metric Effective number of parties based on vote share (Laakso & Taagepera 1979) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (seats; Laakso & Taagepera 1979) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_laaktaag_seats Metric Effective number of parties based on seat share (Laakso & Taagepera 1979) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (votes; Taagepera 1997) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_taag97_votes Metric Effective number of parties based on vote share (Taagepera 1997) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (seats; Taagepera 1997) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_taag97_seats Metric Effective number of parties based on seat share (Taagepera 1997) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (votes; Golosov 2010) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_golosov_votes Metric Effective number of parties based on vote share (Golosov 2010) CRC Compiled Data
Effective number of parties (seats; Golosov 2010) Polity Political parties Party system polnat_politics_golosov_seats Metric Effective number of parties based on seat share (Golosov 2010) CRC Compiled Data
Communist government, ever Polity Regime type communist_ever Binary Communist government with a socialist state-run economy, ever
Communist government, by year Polity Regime type communist_year Binary Communist government with a socialist state-run economy, by year