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|[[Year of introduction of long term care program]]||Long term care||LTC regulation|| ||Date|| First public program regulating the coverage of LTC services or providing financial support for people in need of LTC ||ltc_intro
|[[Year of introduction of long term care program]]||Long term care||LTC regulation|| ||Date|| First public program regulating the coverage of LTC services or providing financial support for people in need of LTC ||ltc_intro
|[[Year of major long term care reform]]||Long term care||LTC regulation|| ||Date|| Introduction of long term care reforms changing the character of the long term care system ||hc_reform
|[[Year of major long term care reform]]||Long term care||LTC regulation|| ||Date|| Introduction of long term care reforms changing the character of the long term care system ||ltc_reform
|[[Total current expenditure on health (national currency units, current prices)]]||Health care||Health care financing||Aggregated||Metric|| Total current expenditure on health in national currency units and current prices, including national and external sources ||hc_total_exp_ncu
|[[Total current expenditure on health (national currency units, current prices)]]||Health care||Health care financing||Aggregated||Metric|| Total current expenditure on health in national currency units and current prices, including national and external sources ||hc_total_exp_ncu

Revision as of 14:55, 16 January 2019

Indicator Name Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Scale Short Description Technical name
Year of introduction of health care program (law passed) Health care Health care regulation Date First public program regulating the coverage of health services adopted by decision makers hc_intro1
Year of introduction of health care program (de iure effective) Health care Health care regulation Date First public program regulating the coverage of health services taking effect de iure hc_intro2
Year of major health care reform Health care Health care regulation Date Introduction of health care reforms changing the character of the health care system hc_reform
Year of introduction of long term care program Long term care LTC regulation Date First public program regulating the coverage of LTC services or providing financial support for people in need of LTC ltc_intro
Year of major long term care reform Long term care LTC regulation Date Introduction of long term care reforms changing the character of the long term care system ltc_reform
Total current expenditure on health (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Aggregated Metric Total current expenditure on health in national currency units and current prices, including national and external sources hc_total_exp_ncu
Public health expenditure (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Public current expenditure on health in national currency units and current prices, from domestic sources hc_public_exp_ncu
Tax spending on health (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Current health expenditure financed by taxes in national currency units and current prices hc_tax_exp_ncu
Social insurance spending on health (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Current health expenditure financed by social insurance contributions in national currency units and current prices hc_sicontr_exp_ncu
Private insurance spending on health (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Current health expenditure financed by private insurance premiums in national currency units and current prices hc_privins_exp_ncu
Non-profit institutions financing scheme spending (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Current health expenditure financed by non-profit institutions in national currency units and current prices hc_npifs_exp_ncu
Enterprise financing schemes spending on health (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Current health expenditure financed by enterprise financing schemes in national currency units and current prices hc_enterpr_exp_ncu
Private household out-of-pocket spending on health (national currency units, current prices) Health care Health care financing Domestic Metric Current health expenditure financed by private households out of pocket in national currency units and current prices hc_oop_exp_ncu
Total external spending on health care (in US-Dollars, current prices) Health care Health care financing External Metric Total external spending on health care hc_external_exp_usd