Employees enjoy right to a general minimum wage

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Metric
Value labels
  • 1 = the law foresees an universal minimum wage
  • 0.67 = the law foresees differential minimum wages for sectors or professions without an universal wage floor
  • 0.33 = the law provides for the possibility to introduce minimum wages by sector, profession, region or otherwise
  • 0 = there is no minimum wage

quasi-metric scale; further gradations between 0 and 1 reflect changes in the strength of the law

Technical name labor_minwage
Category Labour and labour market
Label Employees enjoy right to a general minimum wage
Related indicators

This WoL indicator measures if the law is guaranteeing a minimum wage for all employees or not.

Coding rules

The WoL is a leximetric dataset on individual employment protection. It quantifies the strength of the standard-setting, privileging, and equalising function of individual labour law (see Dingeldey et al. 2020). The scale ranges from "0" to "1" where "0" corresponds to no minimum wage regulation exists and "1" to the law is foreseeing a minimum wage for all employees. For country-specific information see WoL documentation (forthcoming).

Bibliographic info

  • Dingeldey, Irene, Heiner Fechner, Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Jenny Hahs, and Ulrich Mückenberger. 2020. "Measuring Legal Segmentation in Labour Law." SOCIUM SFB 1342 Working Papers No. 5, Bremen: SOCIUM, University of Bremen. https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/f/90e3891ffd.pdf
Related publications:
  • Mückenberger, Ulrich, 1985. "Die Krise des Normalarbeitsverhältnisses - Hat das Arbeitsrecht noch Zukunft?" Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 31: 415-434; 457-475
  • Mückenberger, Ulrich, and Simon Deakin. 1989. "From Deregulation to a European Floor of Rights: Labour Law, Flexibilisation and the European Single Market." Zeitschrift Für Ausländisches Und Internationales Arbeits- Und Sozialrecht 3: 153–207.


Project manager(s): Karolin Meyer, Jean-Yves Gerlitz

Data release:



own coding