Difference between revisions of "Political factors"

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Line 58: Line 58:
| [[Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| [[Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| Polity
| Polity
| Regime Type
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| Electoral Institutions
| regime_polity_xrreg
| regime_polity_xrreg
Line 66: Line 66:
| [[Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| [[Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| Electoral Institutions
| regime_polity_xrcomp
| regime_polity_xrcomp
Line 74: Line 74:
| [[Openness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| [[Openness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| Electoral Institutions
| regime_polity_xropen
| regime_polity_xropen
Line 82: Line 82:
| [[Executive Constraints (Decision Rules). Polity IV.]]
| [[Executive Constraints (Decision Rules). Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Checks and Balances
| Checks and Balances
| regime_polity_xconst
| regime_polity_xconst
Line 90: Line 90:
| [[Regulation of Participation. Polity IV.]]
| [[Regulation of Participation. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| Electoral Institutions
| regime_polity_parreg
| regime_polity_parreg
Line 96: Line 96:
| (1)unregulated, through, (5)regulated
| (1)unregulated, through, (5)regulated
| [[The Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV.]]
| [[Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Governments
Line 106: Line 106:
| [[Executive Recruitment Concept. Polity IV.]]
| [[Executive Recruitment Concept. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| Electoral Institutions
| regime_polity_exrec
| regime_polity_exrec
Line 114: Line 114:
| [[Executive Constraints Concept. Polity IV.]]
| [[Executive Constraints Concept. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Check and Balances
| Check and Balances
| regime_polity_exconst
| regime_polity_exconst
Line 122: Line 122:
| [[Political Competition Concept. Polity IV.]]
| [[Political Competition Concept. Polity IV.]]
| Politics
| Politics
| Governments
| Government
| Electoral Institutions
| Electoral Institutions
| regime_polity_polcomp
| regime_polity_polcomp

Revision as of 16:54, 9 December 2019

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description
Institutionalized Democracy. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization regime_polity_democ Metric 0 = least / 10 = most democratic
Institutionalized Autocracy. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization regime_polity_autoc Metric 0 = least / 10 = most autocratic
Combined Polity Score. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization regime_polity_polity Metric -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic
Combined Polity Score (Revised p4). Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Democratization regime_polity_polity2 Metric -10 = strongly autocratic / 10 = strongly democratic
Regime Durability. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Stability regime_polity_durable Ordinal count (# of years since regime score change > 2 points)
Number of Years Polity Has Persisted. Polity IV. Polity Regime Type Stability regime_polity_persist Ordinal count (# of years since any regime score change*)
Regulation of Chief Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Polity Government Electoral Institutions regime_polity_xrreg Multinomial (1)unregulated (2)designational/transitional (3)regulated
Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions regime_polity_xrcomp Multinomial (1)selection (2)dual/transitional (3)election
Openness of Executive Recruitment. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions regime_polity_xropen Multinomial (1)closed (2)dual-designation (3)dual-election (4)open
Executive Constraints (Decision Rules). Polity IV. Politics Government Checks and Balances regime_polity_xconst Multinomial (1)unlimited authority, through, (7)executive party/subordination
Regulation of Participation. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions regime_polity_parreg Ordinal (1)unregulated, through, (5)regulated
Competitiveness of Participation. Polity IV. Politics Governments Electoral Institutions regime_polity_parcomp Multinomial (0)not applicable, (1)repressed, through, (5)competitive
Executive Recruitment Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions regime_polity_exrec Metric 0 = suppressed / 10 = institutionalized electoral
Executive Constraints Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Check and Balances regime_polity_exconst Metric identical to xconst
Political Competition Concept. Polity IV. Politics Government Electoral Institutions regime_polity_polcomp Multinomial 10 types, see Addendum C in Polity IV manual
Electoral democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_sys_polyarchy_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, electoral dimension (V-Dem)
Liberal democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_libdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, liberal dimension (V-Dem)
Participatory democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_partipdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, participatory dimension (V-Dem)
Deliberative democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_delibdem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, deliberative dimension (V-Dem)
Egalitarian democracy index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_democ_egaldem_vdem Metric Aggregated high level democracy index, egalitarian dimension (V-Dem)
Regimes of the world index Polity Democratization V-Dem polnat_polity_regimes_vdem Ordinal Classification of political regimes (V-Dem)