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| labor_overt_premia
| labor_overt_premia
| Metric  
| Metric  
| Measures the claims for the amount of the statutory or collectively agreed bonuses and allowances for overtime/overtime (CBR-LRI).
| Measures the strength of the law in claims for the amount of the statutory or collectively agreed bonuses and allowances for overtime/overtime (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if there is no premium.

Revision as of 10:49, 10 May 2021

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description
Legally mandated notice period (CBR-LRI) Standard-setting Dismissal protection Duration labor_dis_not_per Metric Measures the length of notice, in weeks, that has to be given to a worker with 3 years’ employment (CBR-LRI).
Legally mandated redundancy compensation Standard-setting Dismissal protection Ammount labor_red_com_amm Metric Measures the amount of redundancy compensation payable to a worker made redundant after 3 years of employment, measured in weeks of pay (CBR-LRI).
Minimum qualifying period for unjust dismissal Privileging Selectivity Duration labor_min_qua_per Metric Measures the period of service required before a worker qualifies for general protection against unjust dismissal (CBR-LRI).
Law imposes procedural constraints on dismissal Standard-setting Dismissal protection Procedure labor_pro_dis_con Metric Measures the strength of the law in procedural requirements for dismissal (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if there are no procedural requirements for dismissal.
Law imposes substantive constraints on dismissal Standard-setting Dismissal protection Procedure labor_sub_dis_con Metric Measures the strength of the law in permission for dismissal (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if employment is at will (i.e., no cause dismissal is normally permissible).
Reinstatement normal remedy for unfair dismissal Standard-setting Dismissal protection Procedure labor_reinstate Metric Measures the strength of the law in reinstatement and compensation of dismissal (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if no remedy is available as of right.
Third body notification of dismissal Standard-setting Dismissal protection Procedure labor_thi_bod_not Metric Measures the strength of the law in notification of dismissal by third party (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if an oral statement of dismissal to the worker suffices.
Redundancy selection Privileging Seniority Procedure labor_redund_select Metric Measures the strength of the law of applying priority rules prior to dismissing for redundancy (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if otherwise.
Priority in re-employment Privileging Seniority Procedure labor_pri_re_emp Metric Measures the strength of the law in setting priority rules relating to the re-employment of former workers (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if otherwise.
Annual leave entitlements Standard-setting Working time restriction Duration labor_ann_lea_ent Metric Measures the duration of the annual leave entitlement stipulated by law or collective agreement (CBR-LRI). Equals 1 if it corresponds to a claim of 30 days.
Public holiday entitlements Standard-setting Working time restriction Duration labor_pub_hol_ent Metric Measures the number of paid holidays stipulated by law or collective agreement (CBR-LRI). Equals 1 if it corresponds to a claim of 18 days.
Overtime premia Standard-setting Working time restriction Ammount labor_overt_premia Metric Measures the strength of the law in claims for the amount of the statutory or collectively agreed bonuses and allowances for overtime/overtime (CBR-LRI). Equals 0 if there is no premium.
Weekend working Standard-setting Working time restriction Ammount labor_weekend_work Metric
Limits to overtime working Standard-setting Working time restriction Duration labor_overt_work Metric
Duration of the normal working week Standard-setting Working time restriction Duration labor_workweek Metric
Maximum daily working time Standard-setting Working time restriction Duration labor_workday Metric
The law determines the legal status of the worker Privileging Selectivity Definition labor_work_def Metric
Part-time workers have the right to equal treatment Equalizing Flexibilization Right labor_ptemp_et Metric
Dismissing costs for part-time workers is proportional Equalizing Flexibilization Right labor_pt_dis_cost Metric
Fixed-term contracts are allowed only for limited duration Equalizing Flexibilization Procedure labor_fx_limit Metric
Fixed-term workers have the right to equal treatment Equalizing Flexibilization Right labor_fxemp_et Metric
Maximum duration of fixed-term contracts Equalizing Flexibilization Duration labor_max_fx_dur Metric
Agency work is prohibited or strictly controlled Equalizing Flexibilization Procedure labor_awork_con Metric
Agency workers have the right to equal treatment Equalizing Flexibilization Right labor_awork_et Metric
Legally mandated notice period increases with seniority Privileging Seniority Procedure labor_notped_sen Metric
Legally mandated severance compensation increases with seniority Privileging Seniority Procedure labor_redcomp_sen Metric
Seniority is a decisive redundancy selection criterion Privileging Seniority Procedure labor_redsec_sen Metric
Dismissal protection depends on size of enterprise Privileging Selectivity Procedure labor_dispro_size Metric
Law provides for equal access to employment for men and women Equalizing Discrimination Right labor_eqacc_gend Metric
Law provides regulation of positive discrimination of women Equalizing Discrimination Procedure labor_posdis_gend Metric
Law provides for equal access to employment concerning ethnicity/race Equalizing Discrimination Right labor_eqacc_ethn Metric
Law provides regulation of positive discrimination of ethnicity/race Equalizing Discrimination Procedure labor_posdis_ethn Metric
Equal pay for equal work is legally provided for Equalizing Discrimination Right labor_eqpay Metric
Law provides for equal working conditions for men and women Equalizing Discrimination Right labor_eqwc_gend Metric
Law provides for equal working conditions concerning ethnicity/race Equalizing Discrimination Right labor_eqwc_ethn Metric
Employees enjoy right to a general minimum wage Equalizing Discrimination Right labor_minwage Metric
Right to unionisation Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_union Metric
Right to collective bargaining Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_coll_barg Metric
Duty to bargain Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_duty_barg Metric
Extension of collective agreements Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_exten_barg Metric
Closed shops Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_closedshop Metric
Codetermination board membership Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_codeterm_bmem Metric
Codetermination and information/consultation of workers Collective rights Employee representation Right labor_codeterm_info Metric
Unofficial industrial action Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_unoff_indact Metric
Political industrial action Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_polit_indact Metric
Secondary industrial action Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_second_indact Metric
Lockouts Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_lockouts Metric
Right to industrial action Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_right_indact Metric
Waiting period prior to industrial action Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_wait_indact Metric
Peace obligation Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_peace_oblig Metric
Compulsory conciliation or arbitration Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_comp_conc Metric
Replacement of striking workers Collective rights Industrial action Right labor_replac_strike Metric
Type of employment law Labour Law Individual labour law Labour law typ labor_emplaw_typ Multinomial Typ of legal segmentation in employment law (SPE)
Standard-setting function Labour Law Individual labour law Labour law function labor_stand_sett_func Metric
Privileging function Labour Law Individual labour law Labour law function labor_priv_func Metric
Equalising function Labour Law Individual labour law Labour law function labor_equa_func Metric
Work-injury. Introduction year of first federal law. Work-injury First law Introduction labor_workinjury_firstlaw Ordinal Not counting state employees (military or civil servants), (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law program type. Work-injury First law Program type labor_workinjury_firstlaw_programtype Multinomial Either employer-liability (=1) or a risk-pooling (=2), (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law cash benefits. Work-injury First law Benefits labor_workinjury_firstlaw_benefit_cash Binary Provides cash benefits (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law in-kind health benefits. Work-injury First law Benefits labor_workinjury_firstlaw_benefit_inkind_health Binary Any health services provided by the work-injury law (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law in-kind other benefits. Work-injury First law Benefits labor_workinjury_firstlaw_benefit_inkind_other Binary Provides any benefit that is not cash or health, e.g., funerals (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law benefit duration and amount. Work-injury First law Benefits labor_workinjury_firstlaw_duration String Written description of the maximum amount and duration (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law family benefit. Work-injury First law Benefits labor_workinjury_firstlaw_benefit_family Binary Any provision for family in case of death or injury (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law group differences. Work-injury First law Inequality labor_workinjury_firstlaw_groupdiff String Any groups excluded by race, ethnicity, place of birth, language, religion, gender, or other non-occupation-related group differences (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First law details. Work-injury First law Details labor_workinjury_firstlaw_details String Notes on the first law. Important information that cannot be captured quantitatively (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First risk pooling law. Work-injury First law Program Type labor_workinjury_firstins Ordinal Year of first law that involved risk-pooling, either as insurance or fund (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First establishment of a fund. Work-injury First law Program Type labor_workinjury_first_fund Ordinal Year of first law establishing a provident fund for at least part of the workforce (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First instance of social insurance. Work-injury First law Program Type labor_workinjury_first_socins Ordinal Year of first law establishing social insurance for at least part of the workforce (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Civil servant first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_civilservants Ordinal Year of first law covering civil servants (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Civil servant first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_civilservants_coverage String Which civil servant groups were covered by the first law (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Civil servant first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_civilservants_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* civil servants (*defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible), (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Military first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_military Ordinal First law covering any (sub) groups of the military (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Military first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_military_coverage String A description of which groups were covered by the first law
Work-injury. Military first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_military_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* enlisted (*defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible) (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. White-collar first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_whitecollar Ordinal Year of law first covering any white-collar, commercial workers (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. White-collar first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_whitecollar_coverage String A description of which groups were covered by the first law (CRC 1342
Work-injury. White-collar first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_whitecollar_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* white-collar workers (*defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible) (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Blue-collar first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_bluecollar Ordinal Year of law first covering any segment of the blue-collar work-force (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Blue-collar first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_bluecollar_coverage String A description of which groups were covered by the first law (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Blue-collar first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_bluecollar_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* blue-collar industrial workers (*not counting agriculture; defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible) (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Farmers first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_farmers Ordinal First law covering farmers - those who own or manage their own farm (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Farmers first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_farmers_coverage String A description of which groups were covered by the first law (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Farmers first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_farmers_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* farmers (*own/manage own-farm; defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible) (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Self-employed first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_selfemp Ordinal Year of first law covering some or all self-employed workers (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Self-employed first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_selfemp_coverage String A description of which groups were covered by the first law (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Self-employed first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_selfemp_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* self-employed(*not counting farmers; defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible) (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Agricultural workers first law introduction year. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_agriworkers Ordinal Year of first law covering some or all agricultural workers (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Agricultural workers first law coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_agriworkers_coverage String A description of which groups were covered by the first law (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. Agricultural workers first law full coverage. Work-injury First law Coverage labor_workinjury_firstlaw_agriworkers_fullcoverage Ordinal Year of law first covering all* agricultural workers (*not counting farmers; defined as literally all, over 80% or all possible) (CRC 1342)
Work-injury. First-law according to US Social Security Administration. Work-injury First law Introduction labor_workinjury_firstlaw_sspw Ordinal Not counting state employees (military or civil servants) (CRC 1342)
Unemployment. Introduction year of first federal law. Unemployment First law Introduction labor_unemp_firstlaw Ordinal Not counting state employees (military or civil servants) (CRC 1342)
Unemployment. First law program type. Unemployment First law Program type labor_unemp_firstlaw_programtype Multinomial Nature of first unemployment system (CRC 1342)
Unemployment. First law financing mode. Unemployment First law Financing labor_unemp_firstlaw_financing Multinomial Financing mode of first unemployment system (CRC 1342)
Unemployment. First law beneficiaries. Unemployment First law Coverage labor_unemp_firstlaw_beneficiaries Multinomial Which groups were covered by the first unemployment system (CRC 1342)
Unemployment. First law benefit duration and amount. Unemployment First law Benefits labor_unemp_firstlaw_duration String Written description of the maximum amount and duration of unemployment (CRC 1342)
Unemployment. First law family benefit. Unemployment First law Benefits labor_unemp_firstlaw_benefit_family Binary Any provision for family in case of unemployment
Unemployment. First law group differences. Unemployment First law Inequality labor_unemp_firstlaw_groupdiff String Any groups excluded by race, ethnicity, place of birth, language, religion, gender, or other non-occupation-related group differences
Introduction dates employment legislation employment legislation employment protection regulation of contract labor_employleg_employpro_regcontract Date The data set captures years of introduction of the first law concerning the regulation of contracts (CRC 1342)