Work-injury. First establishment of a fund.

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Data type Date
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Technical name labor_workinjury_firstins
Category Labour and labour market
Label First work-injury provident fund
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First instance of risk pooling as a provident fund. It is missing if the country went directly from no law or employer liability without a fund to social insurance. Coding rules otherwise follow labor_workinjury_firstins. Provident fund means that paying money into a centralized fund is mandatory. This fund has the purpose of paying compensation. These funds vary greatly in nature, from occupation and industry specific to one fund for the entire workforce. Also, the amount contained in these funds, how much employees pay in, and what the fund managers do with the fund such as investing it or not also varies. For example, we code Uruguay’s 1920 law as the first instance of a ‘provident fund’ because employers must pay in to a temporary fund in the event of an accident, and then after the claim is made the worker either gets the money or the employer is found to be not liable and gets the money returned (ILO LS 1920, Uruguay Workmen’s Compensation, paragraph 47), a kind of mandatory ‘pay-as-you-go’ fund for the employer.

Coding rules


Bibliographic info

Citation: Breznau, Nate, and Felix Lanver. 2020. Global Work-Injury Policy Database (GWIP): Project Overview and Codebook. ( Technical Paper Series 4. Bremen, Germany: Collaborative Research Center SFB 1342 “The Global Dynamics of Social Policy.”

Related publications: related publications


Project manager(s): Herbert Obinger, Carina Schmitt and Laura Seelkopf

Data release:
  • Version 0.001: Initial release

Revisions: No revisions yet


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