Work-injury. Duration of permanent wage replacement.
Quick info | |
Data type | Percentage |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | labor_workinjury_duration_perm |
Category | Labour and labour market |
Label | Work-injury duration of permanent wage replacement |
Related indicators |
This is the duration of benefits in months. In some cases, this is “unlimited” meaning that the person who is permanently incapacitated for work is covered permanently. Here we account for systems that transfer workers from a specific work-injury policy into general disability or pension schemes. If this is the case, we code “unlimited”. The duration often depends on the prior contributions of the worker. In these cases, we assume a worker has worked in the job for 6 years. However, if there are no benefits before a worker has worked for 6 years we reduce the replacement rate by a factor of how much more they would have to work beyond one year to be eligible. We take an average for cases that are limited in duration, but we cannot clearly ascertain data. In other cases, when the data are so unclear and rates dependent on so many factors we make an inferential guess, for example we assign Azerbaijan 72 months as there seems to be general proceedings that would determine duration but a lack of clear guidelines. At the same time, there are workers who get permanent coverage, so we set the duration at a relatively high amount. In case of lump sums we divide them by 6 years and compare this to the average wages in that country for that year to get a rough approximation of a yearly wage replacement. Note that for countries where the policy is unlimited we code "240" (the equivalent of 20 years).
Coding rules
Bibliographic info
Citation: Breznau, Nate and Felix Lanver. "The Global Introduction of Work-Injury Law Data". Working Database Project within the SFB 1342, Project A02.
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Project manager(s): Nate Breznau
- Version 1.0: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- sources