Social structure

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Indicator Name Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name Scale Short description
Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (national estimate) Labour market participation Employment Rate socstr_emp_pop_15m metric
Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (national estimate) Labour market participation Employment Rate socstr_emp_pop_15f metric
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (national estimate) Labour market participation Employment Rate socstr_emp_pop_15t metric
Employment to population ratio, 15-24, male (national estimate) Labour market participation Employment Rate socstr_emp_pop_1524m metric
Employment to population ratio, 15-24, female (national estimate) Labour market participation Employment Rate socstr_emp_pop_1524f metric
Employment to population ratio, 15-24, total (national estimate) Labour market participation Employment Rate socstr_emp_pop_1524t metric
Labor force participation rate, 15+, male (national estimate) Labour market participation Labour force participation Rate socstr_lfp_pop_15m metric
Labor force participation rate, 15+, female (national estimate) Labour market participation Labour force participation Rate socstr_lfp_pop_15f metric
Labor force participation rate, 15+, total (national estimate) Labour market participation Labour force participation Rate socstr_lfp_pop_15t metric
Labor force with advanced education/total working-age population Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu3_wpop_t metric
Labor force with advanced education/female working-age population Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu3_wpop_f metric
Labor force with advanced education/male working-age population) Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu3_wpop_m metric
Labor force with intermediate education/total working-age population Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu2_wpop_t metric
Labor force with intermediate education/female working-age population Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu2_wpop_f metric
Labor force with intermediate education/male working-age population) Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu2_wpop_15m metric
Labor force with basic education/total working-age population Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu1_wpop_t metric
Labor force with basic education/female working-age population Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu1_wpop_f metric
Labor force with basic education/male working-age population) Labour market participation Education Rate socstr_lfpedu1_wpop_15m metric
Population, total socstr_pop_tot_unctad metric Absolute value of population based on UNCTAD statistics