Election dummy lower legislative chamber

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Binary
Value labels
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
Technical name polnat_polity_election_dummy
Category Political factors
Label Election dummy lower legislative chamber
Related indicators

Dichotomous indicator whether an election to the 1st or lower legislative chamber took place in a given year.

Coding rules

  • Based on WeSIS' entity list, the indicator represents a time-series for each entity ranging from the first to the last year a country either was "independent" or "related to" (columns "independence" and "relation_year" respectively). For some entities the time-series may therefore largely consist of "zeros".
  • Only elections to 1st or "lower" chambers are considered. Presidential elections and elections to 2nd chambers are not included in Elections Global.
  • Data is reported valid as of December 31st of a given year. In rare cases where more than one election took place in a given year, earlier elections are not included.
  • Whenever possible, the exact date is reported. In some cases only the year and month could be identified, while in a few cases only the year could be determined.

For further coding rules see the codebook of Döring and Düpont 2020.

Bibliographic info

Citation: Döring, Holger, and Nils Düpont. 2020. "Elections Global: Election results in 207 countries, 1880–2015". Harvard Dataverse, V2. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/OGOURC

Related publications:


Project manager(s): Nils Düpont (A01), Paul Bederke

Data release: Not yet applicable

Revisions: Not yet applicable
