Difference between revisions of "Economic and financial factors"

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{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable"  
! Indicator name*
! Indicator name*
! Subcategory I
! Subcategory I
! Subcategory II
! Subcategory II
! Subcategory III  
! Subcategory III
! Technical name*
! Technical name*
! Scale*
! Scale*
! Short description
! Short description
! Data origin*<br />
| [[GDP per Capita in 1990 US-$, Maddison Data Project]]
| [[GDP per Capita in 1990 US-$, Maddison Data Project]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_1990usd_mdp
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_1990usd_mdp
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per Capita in 1990 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2018
| GDP per Capita in 1990 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2018
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| GDP in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| [[GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity-$, World Bank]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current, international purchasing power parity Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| GDP per capita in current, international purchasing power parity Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdp_real2010usd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdp_real2010usd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP in constant US-Dollars, World Bank national accounts data, and OECD national accounts data files
| GDP in constant US-Dollars, World Bank national accounts data, and OECD national accounts data files
| [[Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
| [[Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
Line 55: Line 62:
| Metric
| Metric
| Employment in the agricultural sector in percent of total employment
| Employment in the agricultural sector in percent of total employment
| [[Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF]]
| [[Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF]]
| Finance
| Finance
| econnat_economics_cgovdebt_pergdp_imf
| econnat_economics_cgovdebt_pergdp_imf
| Metric
| Metric
| Central government debt in percent of GDP
| Central government debt in percent of GDP
| [[Employment in the industrial sector as percentage of total employment, ILO]]
| [[Employment in the industrial sector as percentage of total employment, ILO]]
| Labour Market
| Labour Market
| econnat_economics_industryempl_perctotal_ilo
| econnat_economics_industryempl_perctotal_ilo
| Metric
| Metric
| Employment in the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities) as a percentage of total employment based on ILO estimates
| Employment in the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities) as a percentage of total employment based on ILO estimates
| [[GDP in current NCU, World Bank]]
| [[GDP in current NCU, World Bank]]
Line 79: Line 89:
| Metric
| Metric
| Nominal GDP in current national currency units
| Nominal GDP in current national currency units
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank ]]
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank ]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| Nominal GDP in current US-Dollars, converted from national currencies using current exchange rates
| Nominal GDP in current US-Dollars, converted from national currencies using current exchange rates
| [[Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank]]
| [[Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank]]
Line 95: Line 107:
| Metric
| Metric
| Annual real GDP growth in percent
| Annual real GDP growth in percent
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
Line 103: Line 116:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP in 2010 US-Dollars
| Real GDP in 2010 US-Dollars
| [[Real GDP in NCU, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP in NCU, World Bank]]
Line 111: Line 125:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP in national currency units. Base year for constant national currency unit varies by country
| Real GDP in national currency units. Base year for constant national currency unit varies by country
| [[Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank]]
| [[Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank]]
Line 119: Line 134:
| Metric
| Metric
| Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators
| Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators
| [[GDP deflator index, World Bank]]
| [[GDP deflator index, World Bank]]
Line 126: Line 142:
| econnat_economics_gdpdefl_indexvby_wb
| econnat_economics_gdpdefl_indexvby_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP deflator index with varying base year by country  
| GDP deflator index with varying base year by country
| [[GDP per capita in current PPP-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current PPP-$, World Bank]]
Line 134: Line 151:
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity international Dollars  
| GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity international Dollars
| [[GDP per capita in current NCU, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current NCU, World Bank]]
Line 143: Line 161:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current national currency units
| GDP per capita in current national currency units
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
Line 150: Line 169:
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollars.  
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollars.
| [[Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank]]
| [[Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank]]
Line 158: Line 178:
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_percgrowth_wb
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_percgrowth_wb
| Metric
| Metric
| Annual real GDP growth per capita  
| Annual real GDP growth per capita
| [[Real GDP per capita in 2017 PPP-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP per capita in 2017 PPP-$, World Bank]]
Line 167: Line 188:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP per capita in purchasing power parity international Dollars. Base year: 2017
| Real GDP per capita in purchasing power parity international Dollars. Base year: 2017
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
Line 175: Line 197:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP per capita in constant US-Dollars. Base year: 2010
| Real GDP per capita in constant US-Dollars. Base year: 2010
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant NCU, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant NCU, World Bank]]
Line 183: Line 206:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP per capita in constant national currency units. Base year varies by country
| Real GDP per capita in constant national currency units. Base year varies by country
| [[Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment, ILO]]
| [[Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment, ILO]]
Line 191: Line 215:
| Metric
| Metric
| Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment
| Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment
| [[Service employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
| [[Service employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
Line 199: Line 224:
| Metric
| Metric
| Employment in the service sector in percent of total employment
| Employment in the service sector in percent of total employment
| [[Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 207: Line 233:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP
| Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP
| [[Value added in the industrial sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the industrial sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 215: Line 242:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the industrial sector (mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas) as a percentage of GDP
| Value added in the industrial sector (mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas) as a percentage of GDP
| [[Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 223: Line 251:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP
| Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP
| [[Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 231: Line 260:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP.
| Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP.
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
| Finance
| Finance
| Social Spending  
| Social Spending
| socx_public_oecd
| socx_public_oecd
| Metric
| Metric
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| [[Private Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
| [[Private Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
| Finance
| Finance
| Social Spending  
| Social Spending
| socx_private_oecd
| socx_private_oecd
| Metric
| Metric
| Total voluntary and mandatory private spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| Total voluntary and mandatory private spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, ILO]]
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, ILO]]
| Finance
| Finance
| Social Spending  
| Social Spending
| socx_public_ilo
| socx_public_ilo
| Metric
| Metric
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| [[GDP per Capita in 2011 US-$, Maddison Data Project 2020]]
| [[GDP per Capita in 2011 US-$, Maddison Data Project 2020]]
| Economics
| Economics
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_2011usd_mdp
| econnat_economics_gdppercap_2011usd_mdp
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per Capita in 2011 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2020
| GDP per Capita in 2011 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2020

Revision as of 12:57, 6 November 2023

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description Data origin*
GDP per Capita in 1990 US-$, Maddison Data Project Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_1990usd_mdp Metric GDP per Capita in 1990 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2018
GDP in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb Metric GDP in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current, international purchasing power parity Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_real2010usd_wb Metric GDP in constant US-Dollars, World Bank national accounts data, and OECD national accounts data files
Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_agricempl_perctot_ilo Metric Employment in the agricultural sector in percent of total employment
Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF Finance econnat_economics_cgovdebt_pergdp_imf Metric Central government debt in percent of GDP
Employment in the industrial sector as percentage of total employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_industryempl_perctotal_ilo Metric Employment in the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities) as a percentage of total employment based on ILO estimates
GDP in current NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_cncu_wb Metric Nominal GDP in current national currency units
GDP in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb Metric Nominal GDP in current US-Dollars, converted from national currencies using current exchange rates
Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_percgrowth_wb Metric Annual real GDP growth in percent
Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_real2010usd_wb Metric Real GDP in 2010 US-Dollars
Real GDP in NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_realncu_wb Metric Real GDP in national currency units. Base year for constant national currency unit varies by country
Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdpdefl_percgrowth_wb Metric Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators
GDP deflator index, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdpdefl_indexvby_wb Metric GDP deflator index with varying base year by country
GDP per capita in current PPP-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity international Dollars
GDP per capita in current NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cncu_wb Metric GDP per capita in current national currency units
GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current US-Dollars.
Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_percgrowth_wb Metric Annual real GDP growth per capita
Real GDP per capita in 2017 PPP-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_real2017pppd_wb Metric Real GDP per capita in purchasing power parity international Dollars. Base year: 2017
Real GDP per capita in constant 2010 US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_real2010usd_wb Metric Real GDP per capita in constant US-Dollars. Base year: 2010
Real GDP per capita in constant NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_realncu_wb Metric Real GDP per capita in constant national currency units. Base year varies by country
Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_tinformalempl_percnaempl_ilo Metric Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment
Service employment in percent of total employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_servempl_perctot_ilo Metric Employment in the service sector in percent of total employment
Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_agricva_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP
Value added in the industrial sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_industryva_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the industrial sector (mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas) as a percentage of GDP
Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_manufava_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP
Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_servva_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP.
Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD Finance Social Spending socx_public_oecd Metric Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
Private Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD Finance Social Spending socx_private_oecd Metric Total voluntary and mandatory private spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, ILO Finance Social Spending socx_public_ilo Metric Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
GDP per Capita in 2011 US-$, Maddison Data Project 2020 Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_2011usd_mdp Metric GDP per Capita in 2011 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2020