Difference between revisions of "Economic and financial factors"

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(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| class="wikitable"  
{|class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! Indicator name*
! Indicator name*
Line 17: Line 17:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per Capita in 1990 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2018
| GDP per Capita in 1990 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2018
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank]]
Line 26: Line 26:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| GDP in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
Line 35: Line 35:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity-$, World Bank]]
Line 44: Line 44:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current, international purchasing power parity Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| GDP per capita in current, international purchasing power parity Dollar, World Bank national accounts data
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
Line 53: Line 53:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP in constant US-Dollars, World Bank national accounts data, and OECD national accounts data files
| GDP in constant US-Dollars, World Bank national accounts data, and OECD national accounts data files
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
| [[Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
Line 62: Line 62:
| Metric
| Metric
| Employment in the agricultural sector in percent of total employment
| Employment in the agricultural sector in percent of total employment
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF]]
| [[Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF]]
Line 71: Line 71:
| Metric
| Metric
| Central government debt in percent of GDP
| Central government debt in percent of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Employment in the industrial sector as percentage of total employment, ILO]]
| [[Employment in the industrial sector as percentage of total employment, ILO]]
Line 80: Line 80:
| Metric
| Metric
| Employment in the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities) as a percentage of total employment based on ILO estimates
| Employment in the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities) as a percentage of total employment based on ILO estimates
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP in current NCU, World Bank]]
| [[GDP in current NCU, World Bank]]
Line 89: Line 89:
| Metric
| Metric
| Nominal GDP in current national currency units
| Nominal GDP in current national currency units
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank ]]
| [[GDP in current US-$, World Bank ]]
Line 98: Line 98:
| Metric
| Metric
| Nominal GDP in current US-Dollars, converted from national currencies using current exchange rates
| Nominal GDP in current US-Dollars, converted from national currencies using current exchange rates
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank]]
| [[Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank]]
Line 107: Line 107:
| Metric
| Metric
| Annual real GDP growth in percent
| Annual real GDP growth in percent
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
Line 116: Line 116:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP in 2010 US-Dollars
| Real GDP in 2010 US-Dollars
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Real GDP in NCU, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP in NCU, World Bank]]
Line 125: Line 125:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP in national currency units. Base year for constant national currency unit varies by country
| Real GDP in national currency units. Base year for constant national currency unit varies by country
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank]]
| [[Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank]]
Line 134: Line 134:
| Metric
| Metric
| Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators
| Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP deflator index, World Bank]]
| [[GDP deflator index, World Bank]]
Line 143: Line 143:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP deflator index with varying base year by country
| GDP deflator index with varying base year by country
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP per capita in current PPP-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current PPP-$, World Bank]]
Line 152: Line 152:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity international Dollars
| GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity international Dollars
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP per capita in current NCU, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current NCU, World Bank]]
Line 161: Line 161:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current national currency units
| GDP per capita in current national currency units
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
| [[GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank]]
Line 170: Line 170:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollars.
| GDP per capita in current US-Dollars.
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank]]
| [[Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank]]
Line 179: Line 179:
| Metric
| Metric
| Annual real GDP growth per capita
| Annual real GDP growth per capita
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Real GDP per capita in 2017 PPP-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP per capita in 2017 PPP-$, World Bank]]
Line 188: Line 188:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP per capita in purchasing power parity international Dollars. Base year: 2017
| Real GDP per capita in purchasing power parity international Dollars. Base year: 2017
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant 2010 US-$, World Bank]]
Line 197: Line 197:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP per capita in constant US-Dollars. Base year: 2010
| Real GDP per capita in constant US-Dollars. Base year: 2010
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant NCU, World Bank]]
| [[Real GDP per capita in constant NCU, World Bank]]
Line 206: Line 206:
| Metric
| Metric
| Real GDP per capita in constant national currency units. Base year varies by country
| Real GDP per capita in constant national currency units. Base year varies by country
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment, ILO]]
| [[Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment, ILO]]
Line 215: Line 215:
| Metric
| Metric
| Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment
| Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Service employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
| [[Service employment in percent of total employment, ILO]]
Line 224: Line 224:
| Metric
| Metric
| Employment in the service sector in percent of total employment
| Employment in the service sector in percent of total employment
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 233: Line 233:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP
| Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Value added in the industrial sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the industrial sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 242: Line 242:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the industrial sector (mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas) as a percentage of GDP
| Value added in the industrial sector (mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas) as a percentage of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 251: Line 251:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP
| Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
| [[Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP, World Bank]]
Line 260: Line 260:
| Metric
| Metric
| Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP.
| Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP.
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
Line 269: Line 269:
| Metric
| Metric
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Private Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
| [[Private Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD]]
Line 278: Line 278:
| Metric
| Metric
| Total voluntary and mandatory private spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| Total voluntary and mandatory private spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, ILO]]
| [[Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, ILO]]
Line 287: Line 287:
| Metric
| Metric
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP
| 3rd Party Data
| [[GDP per Capita in 2011 US-$, Maddison Data Project 2020]]
| [[GDP per Capita in 2011 US-$, Maddison Data Project 2020]]
Line 296: Line 296:
| Metric
| Metric
| GDP per Capita in 2011 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2020
| GDP per Capita in 2011 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2020
| 3rd Party Data

Latest revision as of 10:48, 8 November 2023

Indicator name* Subcategory I Subcategory II Subcategory III Technical name* Scale* Short description Data origin*
GDP per Capita in 1990 US-$, Maddison Data Project Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_1990usd_mdp Metric GDP per Capita in 1990 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2018 3rd Party Data
GDP in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb Metric GDP in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data 3rd Party Data
GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current US-Dollar, World Bank national accounts data 3rd Party Data
GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current, international purchasing power parity Dollar, World Bank national accounts data 3rd Party Data
Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_real2010usd_wb Metric GDP in constant US-Dollars, World Bank national accounts data, and OECD national accounts data files 3rd Party Data
Agricultural employment in percent of total employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_agricempl_perctot_ilo Metric Employment in the agricultural sector in percent of total employment 3rd Party Data
Central government debt in percent of GDP, IMF Finance econnat_economics_cgovdebt_pergdp_imf Metric Central government debt in percent of GDP 3rd Party Data
Employment in the industrial sector as percentage of total employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_industryempl_perctotal_ilo Metric Employment in the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities) as a percentage of total employment based on ILO estimates 3rd Party Data
GDP in current NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_cncu_wb Metric Nominal GDP in current national currency units 3rd Party Data
GDP in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_cusd_wb Metric Nominal GDP in current US-Dollars, converted from national currencies using current exchange rates 3rd Party Data
Annual real GDP growth in percent, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_percgrowth_wb Metric Annual real GDP growth in percent 3rd Party Data
Real GDP in 2010 US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_real2010usd_wb Metric Real GDP in 2010 US-Dollars 3rd Party Data
Real GDP in NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdp_realncu_wb Metric Real GDP in national currency units. Base year for constant national currency unit varies by country 3rd Party Data
Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdpdefl_percgrowth_wb Metric Annual inflation in percent using GDP deflators 3rd Party Data
GDP deflator index, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdpdefl_indexvby_wb Metric GDP deflator index with varying base year by country 3rd Party Data
GDP per capita in current PPP-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cpppd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current purchasing power parity international Dollars 3rd Party Data
GDP per capita in current NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cncu_wb Metric GDP per capita in current national currency units 3rd Party Data
GDP per capita in current US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_cusd_wb Metric GDP per capita in current US-Dollars. 3rd Party Data
Annual real GDP growth per capita, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_percgrowth_wb Metric Annual real GDP growth per capita 3rd Party Data
Real GDP per capita in 2017 PPP-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_real2017pppd_wb Metric Real GDP per capita in purchasing power parity international Dollars. Base year: 2017 3rd Party Data
Real GDP per capita in constant 2010 US-$, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_real2010usd_wb Metric Real GDP per capita in constant US-Dollars. Base year: 2010 3rd Party Data
Real GDP per capita in constant NCU, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_realncu_wb Metric Real GDP per capita in constant national currency units. Base year varies by country 3rd Party Data
Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_tinformalempl_percnaempl_ilo Metric Informal employment in percent of total non-agricultural employment 3rd Party Data
Service employment in percent of total employment, ILO Labour Market econnat_economics_servempl_perctot_ilo Metric Employment in the service sector in percent of total employment 3rd Party Data
Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_agricva_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the agricultural sector as a percentage of GDP 3rd Party Data
Value added in the industrial sector as a percentage of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_industryva_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the industrial sector (mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas) as a percentage of GDP 3rd Party Data
Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_manufava_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the manufacturing sector in percent of GDP 3rd Party Data
Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP, World Bank Economics econnat_economics_servva_pergdp_wb Metric Value added in the service sector in percent of GDP. 3rd Party Data
Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD Finance Social Spending socx_public_oecd Metric Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP 3rd Party Data
Private Social Spending as a % of GDP, OECD Finance Social Spending socx_private_oecd Metric Total voluntary and mandatory private spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP 3rd Party Data
Public Social Spending as a % of GDP, ILO Finance Social Spending socx_public_ilo Metric Total public spending on social protection and assistance as a percentage of GDP 3rd Party Data
GDP per Capita in 2011 US-$, Maddison Data Project 2020 Economics econnat_economics_gdppercap_2011usd_mdp Metric GDP per Capita in 2011 US-Dollar, Maddison Project Database, version 2020 3rd Party Data