Total long-term care (health) expenditure in US dollar
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | United States dollar (USD) |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | health_ltc_gen_lob_exp_ltch_total_usd |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Total long-term care (health) expenditure in US dollar |
Related indicators |
The indicator measures total expenditure on health-related long-term care. It is based on the categories and definitions of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Eurostat, and the World Health Organization (WHO) (2011).
According to the SHA, long-term care refers to an integrated package of services and assistance to persons with care dependency following from physical and/or psychological impairments over an extended time period (OECD, Eurostat & WHO, 2011, p. 90). The health care function „Long-term care (health)“ (HC.3) is defined as „a range of medical and personal care services that are consumed with the primary goal of alleviating pain and suffering and reducing or managing the deterioration in health status in patients with a degree of long-term dependency.” (OECD, Eurostat & WHO, 2011, p. 88). This includes medical or nursing care and personal care services such as eating or washing, but typically excludes assistance care services/instrumental activities of daily living such as shopping or housework, which is recorded under long-term care (social) (HCR.1). The categories long-term care (health) and long-term care (social) can be added up to total long-term care expenditure.
This indicator comprises expenditure on all modes of provision, including residential long-term care and home- and community-based care. It comprises total expenditure on all financial schemes, including all public and private, mandatory and voluntary financing schemes.
The indicator combines data from the OECD’s health expenditure and financing database, Eurostat’s health care expenditure database and the WHO’s Global Health Expenditure Database. The unit of measure for this indicator is United States Dollars (USD). WeSIS contains additional indicators measuring total expenditure on long-term care (health) in national currency units (NCU) and percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (see related indicators).
Coding rules
The indicator combines data from the OECD’s health expenditure and financing database (OECD 2024) Eurostat’s health care expenditure database (Eurostat 2024) and the WHO’s Global Health Expenditure Database (WHO n.d.). The data was extracted from these databases in August and September 2024 (version 0.001) in national currency units.
Data for converting national currency units into other measures was collected from the United Nation’s National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (AMA) (UN 2023). For calculating US dollar, the AMA exchange rate was employed.
Whenever values for a country/year combination existed in more than one of these sources and the values between sources are not identical, the data points were chosen in the following order a) OECD, b) Eurostat, c) WHO. In all cases where the discrepancy between data points was 10% or higher, the column Plausibility Concerns indicates limited data plausibility due to contradicting sources. The data for Croatia was coded as missing information (value -999) due to large discrepancies in data points between all three sources. Unavailable information is coded with -999 in the value column.
Bibliographic info
Citation: WeSIS (2024). Long-term care (health) expenditure compiled from OECD, Eurostat and WHO health expenditure databases. Shared by Johanna Fischer.
- Eurostat (2024). Health care expenditure (SHA 2011) (hlth_sha11). Retrieved from
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2024). OECD Health Statistics. Retrieved from
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Eurostat, World Health Organization (WHO) (2011). A System of Health Accounts. Paris: OECD Publishing. Retrieved from
- World Health Organisation (WHO) (n.d.). Global Health Expenditure Database. Documentation Center. Retrieved from
- United Nations (UN) (2023). National Accounts – Analysis of Main Aggregates (AMA). Retrieved from
Project manager(s): Johanna Fischer (on behalf of the A07 project)
Data release: version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- Eurostat (2024). Expenditure for selected health care functions by health care financing schemes. Retrieved from
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2024). OECD Data Explorer. Health expenditure and financing. Retrieved from
- World Health Organisation (WHO) (n.d.). Global Health Expenditure Database. Data Explorer. Retrieved from