Right to Education in Constitution (CRC 1342)
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | |
Technical name | edu_right_const |
Category | Education and training |
Label | Index of the right to education as enshrined in constitution |
Related indicators |
This data indexes the right to education as enshrined in the constitution. This index ranges from 1-5, with mostly full numbers, although some intermediate values can be found as well.
Based on the original texts of the constitutions the index signifies the following state of the right to education:
1: Does not enshrine the right to education (no right mentioned)
2: Enshrines a right, but with limitations; which can be temporal (meant to achieve right in the future or limits due to state resources etc.)
3: Enshrines the right to education but only to a specific group (e.g. right to education only for citizens)
4: Enshrines a right to education with vague antidiscrimination (“all”, “everyone” etc.)
5: Enshrines a right to education with concrete antidiscrimination based on sex/gender/race/religion etc.
Scope of indicator: For this indicator we ONLY take the constitution into account, not education laws. That also means that if there are formulations giving civil rights to persons generally, those are taken into account for coding. However, if a paragraph on education limits the generally formulated right by e.g. mentioning a specific group (e.g. citizens), it overrules the equal rights clause. Education levels are all treated equally in this indicator. Also, synonyms for education such as schooling are considered as education. “Learning” on its own, however, does not constitute the right to education in a public institution, therefore this does not count. A number of researches (N>1) codes the respective legal texts. The final code of this indicator then constitutes the mean of all the codes given. This ensures a fairer judgement and potentially mitigates errors through interpretation.
Coding rules
The coding procedure in detail was as follows:
- the table from HerAtlas was used as a starting point.
- via constituteproject.org for each country the history of the constitution was added: for each constitution (no matter if interim, or similar) and for each suspension one line was added.
- next, primarily via Google, but also via some collective sources, the constitutions (preferably as PDF documents) were searched for and (if findable) added to the table. Collection sources:
- the documents were then searched for keywords with CtrlF if possible or "by hand" if not possible.
- English: education, instruction, culture, school; discrimination, gender/sex, race, woman/women
- France: instruction, éducation, enseignement, écoles; discrimiation, egalité/egaux, sexe, race, femme
- Spanish: educación, enseñanza, instrucción, escuela; igual/igualdad, mismo, sexo, discriminación, mujer
- Italian: formazione, istruzione, insegnamento; uguale, sesso, razza, donna
- Portuguese: educação, instrução, ensino, escola; iguais, sexo, raça, mulher
- For other languages, the above keywords were translated via dictionaries and then searched for.
- so that articles important in the context of the coding could be identified and copied into the table.
- In the case that no articles on the topic of education could be found or that these articles could be identified at first glance as being codeable with 1, they were coded immediately with 1. Thus there are rows, in which a link to a constitution and a coding with 1 is given the wording columns, however, remains empty.
- After this, all three coders were able to code line by line.
- After the first coding run, all cases in which at least two coders differed by at least two values were discussed again internally.
- For all other cases, the arithmetic mean was determined.
Bibliographic info
Citation: TBD
Related publications: TBD
Project manager(s): Fabian Besche-Truthe, Helen Seitzer, Sven Lange
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
Data stems from a variety of sources. The most common sources used are listed here. More information is provided in the dataset itself i.e. a dedicated link to every document used for coding.
- Her Atlas. https://en.unesco.org/education/girls-women-rights
- The Comparative Constitutions Project. https://www.constituteproject.org/, Data extracted: September 2020.