Means-testing of child benefit for citizens/residents
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Multinomial |
Value labels | 0 = "No", 1 = "Yes" |
Technical name | fam_cben_citres_mt |
Category | Family and gender policies |
Label | Means-testing of child benefit for citizens/residents. |
Related indicators | NA (no information available) |
The indicator identifies whether a means-test applies in order for a parent or caregiver to be eligible for the citizenship/residency-based child benefit. When the child benefit is means-tested, it is paid if either the household income or the individual income of the parent or caregiver is below a given threshold.
Coding rules
The variable assumes the value of 1 if the law prescribes that only households below a given income level are eligible for the citizenship-/residency-based child benefit, 0 otherwise.
Missing information is coded as follows:
- -999 = No information available: Data was unavailable or could not be found.
- -888 = Policy does not exist: Data was not collected due to knowledge that the policy either does not exist or has been discontinued.
- -777 = Not applicable: Data was not collected because it was not relevant for this specific country or child benefit system.
Bibliographic info
Citation: Tran, Anh, Simone Tonelli, Martin Gurín, Tobias Böger, Keonhi Son, Aysegül Kayaoglu and Sonja Drobnič. Forthcoming. Codebook of the Global Dataset of Child Benefits. Bremen: SFB 1342.
Related publications: Tonelli, Simone, Tobias Böger, Keonhi Son, Petra Buhr, Sonja Drobnič, and Johannes Huinink. 2021. Codebook of Historical Dataset of Child Benefit (HDCB). Bremen: SFB 1342.
Project manager(s): Anh Tran, Simone Tonelli, Martin Gurín, Tobias Böger, Keonhi Son, Aysegül Kayaoglu and Sonja Drobnič (A06)
Data release: Version 0.003: Third release
Revisions: This codebook is an updated version of the publication: Tonelli, Simone, Tobias Böger, Keonhi Son, Petra Buhr, Sonja Drobnič, and Johannes Huinink. 2021. Codebook of Historical Dataset of Child Benefit (HDCB). Bremen: SFB 1342.
Below is a list of common sources used to gather information on multiple countries. For country-specific sources and calculations, please refer to the Codebook of the Global Dataset of Child Benefits (Tran et al. Forthcoming).
- International Social Security Association. 2022. Social Security Around the World: Country Profiles. Geneva: ISSA.
- International Labour Organization. Various years. Legislative Series. Geneva: ILO.
- NATLEX. Database of National Labour, Social Security and Related Human Rights Legislation. Geneva: ILO.
- Social Security Administration. Various years. Social Security Programs Throughout the World. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1949-1999 reports: 2001-2019 reports: https://
- Waggaman, Mary T. Family Allowances in Foreign Countries: Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 401. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Waggaman, Mary T. Family Allowances in 1937 and 1938, 48 Monthly Lab. Rev. 1026 (1939)
- Waggaman, Mary T. Family Allowances in Various Countries: Bulletin of the United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 754. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Wagemann, Mary T. Family Allowances in Various Countries, 1944-45: Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 853. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.