Healthcare system financed through out-of-pockect payments at introduction

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Binary
Value labels
  • 1 = Yes
  • 0 = No
Technical name health_HC_financing_IntroOOP
Category Health and long-term care
Label Healthcare system financed through out-of-pockect payments at introduction
Related indicators

This variable describes the features of the healthcare system at the point of introduction. It indicates out-of-pocket payments as a major financing source of the healthcare system.

Coding rules

Out-of-pocket payments (OOP) are characterized as payments for healthcare goods and services at the point of service delivery. OOP include direct payments to providers for medical care, co-payments and co-insurance. The indicator takes the value 1 = "Yes" if the respective legislation and system description define OOP as a substantial financing source of healthcare services.

Bibliographic info

  • de Carvalho, Gabriela and Achim Schmid in collaboration with Polte, Alexander; Frisina Doetter, Lorraine; Haunss, Sebastian and Heinz Rothgang. 2023. Global Historical Healthcare Systems Dataset (G2HSet): Technical report and codebook. Vol. 15 of SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series. Bremen, SFB 1342.
  • Schmid, Achim, Gabriela de Carvalho, Antonio Basilicata, and Heinz Rothgang. 2021. Classifying healthcare systems at introduction: Types of healthcare systems under public responsibility. SFB 1342 Working Paper 13. Bremen: SOCIUM, SFB 1342.
  • de Carvalho, Gabriela, Alexander Polte, Katharina Scherf, Mai Mohamed Abdou Mahmoud , Lorraine Frisina Doetter. 2021. Trends in time: Identifying health care system introductions worldwide. SFB1342 Working Paper 16. Bremen: SOCIUM, SFB 1342.

Related publications:
  • Frisina Doetter, Lorraine, Achim Schmid, Gabriela de Carvalho, and Heinz Rothgang. 2021. “Comparing apples to oranges? Minimizing typological biases to better classify healthcare systems globally.” Health Policy OPEN 2 (1): 1–8. doi:


Project manager(s): Gabriela de Carvalho; Achim Schmid

Data release:
  • Version 0.001: Initial release
  • Version 0.002-0.014: Information added to the indicator
  • Version 0.015: Revision of introduction dates and financing information

Revisions: Revision of introduction dates and financing information for several countries in Africa, Latin America and Europe


  • National legislation, expert survey, secondary literature, see bibliographic info