Health hc financing ooppercap usd who

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Metric
Value labels Per capita in US$
Technical name health_hc_financing_ooppercap_usd_who
Category Health and long-term care
Label Out-of-pocket expenditure per capita in US$ (WHO)
Related indicators NA (no information available)

This indicator estimates the average health expenditure through out-of-pocket payments per capita in USD. It indicates how much every person payts out of pocket on average in USD at the point of use. High out of pocket payment are associated with catastrophic and impoverishing household spending. Out of pocket payment are not pooled and there is no sharing of risk among wider group of people other then the household. This indicator describes the OOP expenditure in relation to the population size in USD facilitating international comparison.

Coding rules

Coding rules in accordance with WHO operationalisation.

Bibliographic info

Citation: World Health Organization (WHO). 2018. "The Global Health Observatory."

Related publications: NA (no information available)


Project manager(s): NA (no information available)

Data release: NA (no information available)

Revisions: NA (no information available)


World Health Organization (WHO). 2018. "The Global Health Observatory."