Equal treatment of part-time with full-time workers (CBR-LRI)

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Indicator measuring the existence and strength of legislation concerning the equal treatment of part-time with full-time workers. Developed by Adams, Deakin et al. for the CBR-LRI Dataset.

Coding Rules

Equals 1 if the legal system recognises a right to equal treatment for part-time workers (as, for example, in the case of EC Directive 97/81/EC. Equals 0.5 if the legal system recognises a more limited right to equal treatment for part-time workers (via, e.g., sex discrimination law or a more general right of workers not be treated arbitrarily in employment). Equals 0 if neither of the above. Scope for scores between 0 and 1 to reflect changes in the strength of the law.

Bibliographic info

Citation: CBR-LRI (2017)


Data release: April 2017



  • Adams, Zoe; Bishop, Bishop; Deakin, Simon (2017): CBR Labour Regulation Index (Dataset of 117 Countries), Cambridge Centre for Business Research 2017, https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.9130
  • Adams, Zoe; Bastani, P.; Bishop, L.; Deakin, Simon (2017): The CBR-LRI Dataset. Methods, Properties and Potential of Leximetric Coding of Labour Laws, 33 Journal of Comparative Law and Industrial Relations, pp. 59-92