Distinct long-term care system introduction: Dominant actor service provision

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Technical name health_LTC_provision_intro_actor_typeB
Category Health and long-term care
Label Distinct long-term care system introduction: Dominant actor service provision
Related indicators

The indicator specifies the actor type which was dominantly providing care in the long-term care system at introduction. Four actor types are distinguished: state, societal actors, private actors, and global actors. For a detailed discussion of all actor types see Fischer et al. 2021.

Coding rules

The dominant provider is operationalised by a) measuring the share of different LTC benefit types available to recipients (in-kind home and community care, institutional care, cash benefits), b) the share of different actor types in each of this domains and c) calculating the overall share of actors in the long-term care system. A detailed discussion of the operationalization can be found in Rothgang et al. (2021, pp. 9-10). Multiple data sources were used for identifying dominant actors: laws and regulations, academic publications and reports and grey literature, statistics, national online newspaper articles and (official) websites as well as primary data collected through the project’s Expert Survey on Long-Term Care in 2020/21. For more information on the sources used per country see Appendix in Rothgang et al. (2021).

Bibliographic info

Citation: RRothgang, Heinz, Johanna Fischer, Meika Sternkopf, and Lorraine Frisina Doetter. 2021. The classification of distinct long-term care systems worldwide: the empirical application of an actor-centered multi-dimensional typology. Vol. 12 of SOCIUM SFB 1342 WorkingPapers. Bremen: SOCIUM, SFB 1342. Retrieved from https://socialpolicydynamics.de/f/2483ea052c.pdf

Related publications:
  • Fischer, Johanna, Lorraine Doetter, and Heinz Rothgang. 2021. “Comparing long‐term care systems: A multi‐dimensional, actor‐centred typology.” Social Policy & Administration: 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12742


Project manager(s): A04 project, main responsible person Johanna Fischer

Data release:
  • Version 0.001: Initial release

Revisions: No revisions yet


  • For a detailed overview of all sources per country used please see: Rothgang, Heinz, Johanna Fischer, Meika Sternkopf, and Lorraine Frisina Doetter. 2021. The classification of distinct long-term care systems worldwide: the empirical application of an actor-centered multi-dimensional typology. Vol. 12 of SOCIUM SFB 1342 WorkingPapers. Bremen: SOCIUM, SFB 1342. Retrieved from https://socialpolicydynamics.de/f/2483ea052c.pdf