Density of residential long-term care facilities per 100,000 population (WHO)
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Not applicable |
Technical name | health_LTC_provision_ResLTCFacilities_Per100000 |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Density of residential long-term care facilities per 100,000 population (WHO) |
Related indicators |
This indicator measures the number of residential long-term care facilities per 100,000 population by the WHO as outlined in WHO 2020. The method of estimation consists in listing of facilities available in a country to provide support and inpatient/outpatient care for people with dementia provided by the national authority's response.
Coding rules
For additional documentation on the indicator by WHO see WHO 2020.
Bibliographic info
Citation: World Health Organization (WHO). 09.2018. "Density of residential long-term care facilities (per 100,000 population)."
- World Health Organization (WHO). 2016. Global Health Observatory metadata.
- World Health Organization (WHO). 2020. "THE GLOBAL HEALTH OBSERVATORY. Indicators."
Project manager(s): A04 project, main responsible person Johanna Fischer
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- World Health Organization (WHO). 09.2018. "Global Health Observatory data repository. Dementia health and social care facilities. Long-term care facilities."