Official medium of instruction
Quick info | |
Data type | Nominal |
Scale | Multinomial |
Value labels | Official medium of instruction |
Technical name | edu_med_instr |
Category | {{{category}}} |
Label | {{{label}}} |
Related indicators |
This indicator refers to the official medium or media of instruction. Every new introduction or abolition is coded. The indicator contains the langages prescribed as medium of instruction by law from the year they were encoded. The different levels of education were aggregated and not coded as seperate data, as not all countries make this distinction.
Coding rules
The COW country coding rules are used.
Bibliographic info
Related publications:
Project manager(s): Michael Windzio / Helen Seitzer / Fabian Besche
Data release:
Marlow-Ferguson, Rebecca (2002): World Education Encyclopedia. A survey of educational systems worldwide. Detroit: Gale Group. Brock, Colin (Edit): Book Series. Education Around the World. London/New York: Bloomsbury.