Titles of published legislative documents on health care
Quick info | |
Data type | String |
Scale | Categorical |
Value labels | NA (no information available) |
Technical name | health_hc_djgen_doctitle |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Titles of published legislative documents on health care |
Related indicators | NA (no information available) |
This indicator provides the title of published legislative documents, which are the source of Health Care Policy generosity information. This indicator belongs to the metadata scope wich identifies descriptive text properties contain information on the document as a whole. For example, they identify the document in a database or provide information about its origin, the time it was published or who created/published it. Accordingly, the following information can be regarded as descriptive text properties: title, law-ID, country, sub-national unit, and the dates of the law’s publication, passing, consolidation, and entry into force.
Coding rules
The indicators are formatted and provided as character strings, which represent the document based data on country year level. Depending on the variable, several steps / levels of aggregation were performed and indicators were formated as ‘lists objects’. A list starts with ‘[‘, it ends with ‘]’, and its elements are devided by a ‘,’.
Bibliographic info
Citation: Codebook (in publication)
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): Alexander Polte; Matías Acosta; Mai Mahmoud
Data release: 31.10.2024
Revisions: NA (no information available)
National legislation