Healthcare system financed through contribution at introduction
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Binary |
Value labels |
Technical name | health_HC_financing_IntroCont |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Healthcare system financed through contribution at introduction |
Related indicators |
This variable describes the features of the healthcare system at the point of introduction. It indicates insurance contributions as a major financing source of the healthcare system.
Coding rules
Contributions are characterized as mandatory prepayments to (social) health insurance establishing entitlements to healthcare benefits. I.e., contributions may refer to a certain rate of income or wages as well as flat rate payments and incur varying amounts of redistribution. Typically, contributions are collected by insurance funds provided with financial autonomy and separate from the national budget. The indicator takes the value 1 = "Yes" if the respective legislation and system description define contributions as a substantial financing source of healthcare services.
Bibliographic info
Citation: de Carvalho, Gabriela, Alexander Polte, Katharina Scherf, Mai Mohamed Abdou Mahmoud , Lorraine Frisina Doetter. 2021. Trends in time: Identifying health care system introductions worldwide. SFB1342 Working Paper 16. Bremen: SOCIUM, SFB 1342. Achim Schmid, Gabriela de Carvalho, Antonio Basilicata, and Heinz Rothgang. 2021. Classifying healthcare systems at introduction: Types of healthcare systems under public responsibility. SFB 1342 Working Paper 13. Bremen: SOCIUM, SFB 1342.
- Frisina Doetter, Lorraine, Achim Schmid, Gabriela de Carvalho, and Heinz Rothgang. 2021. “Comparing apples to oranges? Minimizing typological biases to better classify healthcare systems globally.” Health Policy OPEN 2 (1): 1-8. doi:
Project manager(s): Gabriela de Carvalho; Achim Schmid
- Version 0.001: Initial release
Revisions: No revisions yet
- National legislation, expert survey, secondary literature, see bibliographic info