Decriminalization of same sex acts

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Quick info
Data type {{{datatype}}}
Scale Date
Value labels {{{valuelabels}}}
Technical name cult_srg_restr_decrim
Category Culture
Label decriminalization of same sex acts (CRC 1342)
Related indicators

The abolishment and explicit decriminalization of same-sex acts

Coding rules

The distinction between legalization, decriminalization, and criminalization: In some instances, countries have criminalized same-sex acts specifically. In some countries, those laws were then later abandoned, but no further mention of punishment or legalization was made. Then, the country is coded as “decriminalized”, as the status is generally unclear with the exception that there is no longer a cause for prosecution in the law. If a country specifically allows same-sex relations, these instances are coded as “legalization”. In cases where countries still actively prosecute the LGBTQ+ community, this is coded in the “criminalization” indicator. In some instances, there are, and never were, any mention of same-sex relations. In these instances, the respective criminalization and decriminalization indicators are coded with 9999. Due to the often unclear wording of the legal text, these indicators could potentially contradict each other.

For further information see the Technical Paper: Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen; Windzio, Michael. 2020 “Cultural Spheres – Creating a dyadic dataset of cultural proximity”. SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series, 5. Bremen, SFB 1342.

Bibliographic info

Citation: Please cite the respective version of the dataset, the technical paper, or: Seitzer, Helen. 2022. “The Diffusion of Workplace Antidiscrimination Regulations for the LGBTQ+ Community.” In Networks and Geographies of Global Social Policy Diffusion: Culture, Economy, and Colonial Legacies, edited by Michael Windzio, Ivo Mossig, Fabian Besche-Truthe, and Helen Seitzer, 227–253. Cham: Springer International Publishing

Related publications:


Project manager(s): Fabian, Besche-Truthe, Michael, Windzio, Helen, Seitzer,

Data release:
  • Version 0.001: Initial release

Revisions: No revisions yet


The information collected in this dataset was collected and validated from the sources listed below and collected in early 2022. As some of the sources are conflicting, even citing different legal text, the earliest and most explicit text was used.