Founding of Ministry of Education (CRC 1342)

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Quick info
Data type Date
Scale Date
Value labels Not applicable
Technical name edu_intr_ministry
Category Education and training
Label Founding of Ministry of Education
Related indicators

This indicator refers to the introduction i.e. creation of a ministry of education. Note that only the year of first introduction is coded.

Coding rules

Not every new constitution will be shown. Reorganization e.g. forming a ministry of higher education and a separate ministry of basic education is not coded as well. If a ministry was created which was responsible for the geographic area the state entity was/is a part of, then we assume this was the introduction of a ministry of education for this entity. For example, is the introduction of a ministry for the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic the same, because the ministry of education was first introduced in Czechoslovakia. All those three entities have the same value in this variable. In cases of federal entities which are not specifically coded we took the first introduction of that federal entity which was part of the Union (e.g. in the case of the US) or later became a “larger” part of the entity. For example the introduction of a Prussian ministry is coded as the introduction of a ministry for Germany.

Subcategory I: The indicators in this dataset can be grouped into 5 categories, based on the information they contain: system, resources, performance, participation and cultural reproduction. In addition, a second category allows a more differentiated classification of the different indicators. In general, the systems category defines all legally implemented structures of education systems (e.g. the introduction of compulsory schooling). Resources denotes financial or personnel resources a system can distribute (e.g. student-teacher ratios). Performance describes indicators linked to the successful progression of student through the education system (for example completion rates). Cultural reproduction is mostly linked to the curriculum and describes indicators related to teaching content. The grouping of indicators allows for a better overview of the data as displayed in WESIS.

Subcategory II: Administration

This category entails indicators marking a shift in responsibility: the introduction of education as state responsibility, the introduction of state funded private schools and the creation of a ministry of education. The ministry was only coded as such, if it was not included into another ministry. Private schools often have a slightly different curriculum or approach to learning, the state is therefore giving away some of the responsibility to teach these students.

For further information see the Technical Paper [1].

Bibliographic info

Citation: Windzio, Michael; Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen, 2021: Historical Education System Data (HESDat), SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series/12/2021, Bremen: SFB 1342.

Related publications:


Project manager(s): Fabian Besche-Truthe, Michael Windzio, Helen Seitzer

Data release:
  • Version 0.001: Initial release

Revisions: No revisions yet


  • Corner, Trevor, ed. 2016. Education in the European Union. Post-2003 Member States. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Mulcahy, D. E., Donal G. Mulcahy, and Roger Saul, eds. 2015. Education in North America. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Kirdar, Serra, ed. 2019. Education in the Arab world. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Ahmed,Mah-E-Rukh, ed. 2015. Education in West Central Asia. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Wolhuter, Charl, ed. 2015. Education in East and Central Africa. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Elvir, Ana P., Charles Posner, and Chris Martin, eds. 2020. Education in Mexico, Central America and the Latin Caribbean. Education around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Harber, Clive, ed. 2015. Education in Southern Africa. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Letchamanan, Hema, and Debotri Dhar, eds. 2018. Education in South Asia and the Indian Ocean Islands. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academia.
  • Brock, Colin, ed. 2016. Edcuation in the United Kingdom. Education Around the World Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Thomas, Emel, ed. 2015. Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean and Netherlands Antilles. Education around the world Series. London: Bloomsbury Academic
  • Marlow-Ferguson, Rebecca. 2002. World education encyclopedia: a survey of educational systems worldwide - A - H. Detroit: Gale Group.
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  • Ministerio de Educación de República Dominicana
  • Constitution, Fall, Ismaïla Madior. 2009. Evolution constitutionnelle du Sénégal - De la veille de l'Indépendance aux élections de 2007. Karthala
  • Ministry of Education South Korea