File upload guide
Revision as of 17:02, 4 September 2019 by Gabriellaskye (talk | contribs)
To upload a file, use the "UPLOAD DATA" menu option.
Note that the system accepts only .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. Please, ensure that data formatted according to templates described in File formats .
Error logs
At the moment the system performs four types of error checks:
- Missing_columns - checks for mandatory columns missing in the uploaded file.
- Invalid_datatype - checks whether cells are of type desribed in File formats section, i.e. Numeric, String, Binary, Datetime or other.
- Unrecognized_values - checks whether the following column values: country, cow_code, technical_indicator_name exist in database. If not the user should update the appropriate WesSISPedia page.
- Scale/Value_mismatch - checks