Fam mat leave amount repl own
Quick info | |
Data type | NA (no information available) |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | yes/no |
Technical name | fam_mat_leave_amount_repl_ own |
Category | Family and gender policies |
Label | Amount - Maternity leave (own coding) |
Related indicators | fam_mat_leave_amount_own (Amount of maternity benefit in original units) |
Amount of maternity benefit in replacement rate
Coding rules
We extracted the replacement rate, i.e. the percentage of prior wage, from the “amount of maternity benefit (in original units)”. In case of flat rates or minimum wages, we standardized these cases into a replacement rate based on other exist-ing databases. However, we did not find relevant information to convert the absolute values to replacement rates in the following examples, which are coded as “0.99” instead.
Bibliographic info
Citation: Keonhi Son, Tobias Böger, Simone Tonelli, Petra Buhr, Sonja Drobnič, and Johannes Huinink, 2020, “Codebook of Historical Database on Mater-nity Leave (HDML)”, available at: “https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/sfb-publikationen/sfb-1342-technical-paper-series”.
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): Keonhi Son, Tobias Böger, Simone Tonelli, Petra Buhr, Sonja Drobnič, and Johannes Huinink (A06)
Data release: tbd
Revisions: tbd
ILO Legislative Series, Social Policy and Law Shared Database (SPLASH), Social Security Programs Throughout the World