Coverage of old-age pension, vertical

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Multinomial
Value labels -88 = "Not applicable", -66 = "Missing value"
Technical name old_pension_cov_verti
Category Old age and survivors
Label Coverage of old-age pension, vertical
Related indicators old_pension_hori, old_pension_agri1, old_pension_exmain1, old_pension_comfin1, old_pension_studapp1, old_pension_domwork1, old_pension_homework1, old_pension_employer1, old_pension_selfemp1, old_pension_tempwork1, old_pension_citizens1, old_pension_agri2, old_pension_exmain2, old_pension_comfin2, old_pension_studapp2, old_pension_domwork2, old_pension_homework2, old_pension_employer2, old_pension_selfemp2, old_pension_tempwork2, old_pension_citizens2

This indicator counts how many subgroups of an occupational group are excluded from the pension program. For each subgroup of an occuapational group (e.g. agriculture) that is excluded, one point is subtracted. The values for each occupational group have the following meaning: 5) the entire occupational group is covered, 4) one subgroup of an occupational group is excluded, 3) two subgroups of an occupational group are excluded, 2) two or more subgroups of an occupational group are excluded, 1) only a single subgroup of an occupational group is covered.

Coding rules

old_pension_verti = (old_pension_agri2 + old_pension_exmain2 + old_pension_comfin2 + old_pension_studapp2 + old_pension_domworkw2 + old_pension_homework2 + old_pension_employer2 + old_pension_selfemp2 + old_pension_tempwork2 + old_pension_foreign2 + old_pension_citizens2)

Bibliographic info

Citation: Grünewald, Aline. 2020. "The historical origins of old-age pension schemes: Mapping global patterns."Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: 1-19.

Related publications: Grünewald, Aline. 2021. "From Benefits and Beneficiaries: The Historical Origins of Old-Age Pensions From a Political Regime Perspective." Comparative Political Studies 54 (8): 1424-1458.


Project manager(s): Aline Grünewald

Data release: 2021

Revisions: revisions
