Financing of old-age pension program, only
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Multinomial |
Value labels | 0 = "No", 1 = "Yes", -88 = "Not applicable", -66 = "Missing value" |
Technical name | old_pension_fin_only |
Category | Old age and survivors |
Label | Financing of old-age pension program, only |
Related indicators | old_pension_fin_state1, old_pension_fin_employer1, old_pension_fin_employee1 |
In many countries employer's and employee's contributions to the the old-age pension system are not solely used to finance old-age pensions but other programs such as child allowances, too.
Coding rules
Are employer's and employee's contributions solely used to finance the old-age pension system?
Bibliographic info
Citation: Grünewald, Aline. 2020. "The historical origins of old-age pension schemes: Mapping global patterns." Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: 1-19.
Related publications: Grünewald, Aline. 2021. "From Benefits and Beneficiaries: The Historical Origins of Old-Age Pensions From a Political Regime Perspective." Comparative Political Studies 54 (8): 1424-1458.
Project manager(s): Aline Grünewald
Data release: 2021
Revisions: revisions