Official entrance age to compulsory education (UIS)
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | NA (no information available) |
Technical name | edu_age_entry_comp_uis |
Category | Education and training |
Label | Official entrance age to compulsory education (UIS) |
Related indicators |
"Age at which students would enter a given programme or level of education assuming they start at the official entrance age for the lowest level of education, study full-time throughout and progressed through the system without repeating or skipping a grade. The theoretical entrance age to a given programme or level is typically, but not always, the most common entrance age." (UIS)
Coding rules
Data stem directly from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. The data has not been altered in any way.
Bibliographic info
Citation: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS),, Last accessed: 2020.03.23
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): Windzio, Michael; Besche, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen
Data release: NA (no information available)
Revisions: NA (no information available)
NA (no information available)