Enrolment in lower secondary education, female (UIS)
|datatype = Numeric
|scale = Metric
|valuelabels = NA (no information available)
|techname = edu_fem_lowsec_enroll_uis
|category= Education and training
|label = Enrolment in lower secondary education, female (uis)
- [[Adjusted net en
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (UIS)
- Adjusted net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (UIS)
- Enrolment in secondary education, both sexes (UIS)
- Enrolment in secondary education, female (UIS)
- Enrolment in secondary education, male (UIS)
- Enrolment in lower secondary education, both sexes (UIS)
- Enrolment in lower secondary education, male (UIS)
- Enrolment in upper secondary education, both sexes (UIS)
- Enrolment in upper secondary education, female (UIS)
- Enrolment in upper secondary education, male (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, female (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, male (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, female (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, lower secondary, male (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, female (UIS)
- Gross enrolment ratio, upper secondary, male (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, secondary, female (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, secondary, male (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, upper secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, upper secondary, female (UIS)
- Net enrolment rate, upper secondary, male (UIS)
- Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (UIS)
- Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (UIS)
- Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, both sexes (UIS)
- Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, female (UIS)
- Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, male (UIS)
|description = "Individuals officially registered in a given educational programme, or stage or module thereof, regardless of age." (UIS)
|codingrules = Data stem directly from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. The data has not been altered in any way.
|citation = UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), http://data.uis.unesco.org/, Last accessed: 2020.03.29
|relatedpublications = NA (no information available)
|projectmanagers = Windzio, Michael; Besche, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen
|datarelease = NA (no information available)
|revisions = NA (no information available)
|sources = NA (no information available)