Country codes

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This page lists all 2XX "countries" included in WeSIS and their numeric codes. Defining a country, political unit or a state member of the international system is challenging. In order to ensure cross-comparability to other major data collections in the social sciences, we rely on the Corrrelates of War project (COW) complemented by the V-Dem project (V-Dem).

Definition and Discussion

COW and V-Dem show a huge overlap in defining entities. For COW, an entity must have "a resonable degree of autonomy". For V-Dem, an entity must be an "effective governance unit". Further criteria apply e.g. population size, diplomatic missions, or continuity with a contemporary nation-state.

Disclaimer: The inclusion of an entity in WeSIS is based on scientific and analytical grounds. This precludes any judgments about which territories qualify as countries. For this reason, recognizing entities in WeSIS should not be interpreted as judgments about sovereign claims to disputed territories.


Democratic Republic of the Congo||DRC||490||CD||COD||180||COD||111||Congo Free State [property of King Leopold of Belgium] (1900–1908); Belgian colony of Belgian Congo (1908–1960); Republic of Congo [independent state] [also known as Congo-Leopoldville] (1960–1965); Democratic Republic of Congo (1965–1971); Republic of Zaire (1971–1997); Democratic Republic of the Congo (1997– )||Democratic Republic of the Congo
COW State Name COW State Abbreviation COW Numeric Code ISO 3166 Alpha 2 code ISO 3166 Alpha 3 code ISO 3166 Numeric code V-Dem Country Text ID V-Dem Country ID V-Dem Historical Names Wikipedia
Angola ANG 540 AO AGO 24 AGO 104 Portuguese Angola [colony, borders fixed and administration extended into the hinterland] (1900–1951); Overseas Province of Angola (1951–1975); Independent state (1975– ) Angola
Benin BEN 434 BJ BEN 204 BEN 52 French Dahomey [colony within French West Africa] (1900–1958); Republic of Dahomey [autonomous] (1958–1960); Republic of Benin [independent state] (1960– ) Benin
Botswana BOT 571 BW BWA 72 BWA 68 Bechuanaland Protectorate (1900–1966); Republic of Botswana [independent state] (1966-) Botswana
Burkina Faso BFO 439 BF BFA 854 BFA 54 Colonial territory of Upper Volta [part of French West Africa][formed from territories previously belonging to Upper Senegal, Niger and Ivory Coast] (1919–1932); Colonial territory of Upper Volta [dissolved][territories administered by Ivory Coast, French Sudan, and Niger] (1932–1947); Colonial territory of Upper Volta [reconstituted][part of the French Union with previous boundaries] (1947); Colonial territory of Upper Volta (1947–1958); Republic of Upper Volta [self-governing within the French Community] (1958–1960); Republic of Upper Volta [independent state] (1960–1984); Burkina Faso (1984– ) Burkina Faso
Burundi BUI 516 BI BDI 108 BDI 69 Part of German East Africa (1900–1916); Ruandi-Urundi (1916–1962); Republic of Burundi [independent state] (1962– ) Burundi
Cameroon CAO 471 CM CMR 120 CMR 108 German colony of Kamerun (1900–1919); Cameroon under dual League of Nations mandates [under France and Britain] (1919–1946); Cameroon [converted to UN trusteeships9 (1946–1960); Republic of Cameroon [French portion] [independent state] (1960); Republic of Cameroon and British Cameroon (1960–1961); Federal Republic of Cameroon [independent state] [Republic of Cameroon merged with southern part of British Cameroons] (1961); Republic of Cameroon (1961–1972); United Republic of Cameroon (1972–1984); Republic of Cameroon (1984-) Cameroon
Cape Verde CAP 402 CV CPV 132 CPV 70 Colony of Portugal (1900–1951); overseas province of Portugal (1951–1975); Republic of Cape Verde [independent state] (1975– ) Cape Verde
Central African Republic CEN 482 CF CAF 140 CAF 71 Oubangui-Chari established as French administration [also known as Ubangi-Shari] (1903); Oubangui-Chari as part of the French Congo (1903–1906); Oubangui-Chari merged with Chad (1906); Oubangui-Chari as part of the French Congo (1906–1910); Oubangi-Chari-Tchad as part of the French Equatorial Africa [successor of French Congo] (1910–1911); Oubangi-Chari-Tchad [part of French Equatorial Africa] under German occupation in its western part (1911–1914); Oubangi-Chari-Tchad [part of French Equatorial Africa] [reoccupied by France] (1914–1920); Oubangi-Chari [autonomous unit, separated from Tchad] (1920); Oubangi-Chari [part of French Equatorial Africa] (1920–1946); Oubangi-Chari [overseas territory of the French Union] (1946–1958); Central African Republic [selfrule within the French Community] (1958–1960); Central African Republic [independent state] (1960–1976); Central African Empire (1976–1979); Central African Republic (1979–) Central African Republic
Chad CHA 483 TD TCD 148 TCD 109 Territoire Militaire des Pays et Protectorats du Tchad (1900–1910); Oubangi-Chari-Tchad [Territoire Militaire des Pays et Protectorats du Tchad joins French Equatorial Africa] (1910–1914); Oubangi-Chari-Tchad [terrytory’s pacification of present-day state complete] (1914); Oubangi-Chari-Tchad [part of French Equatorial Africa] (1914–1920); Tchad [part of French Equatorial Africa] (1920–1946); Tchad [overseas territory of France] (1946–1958); Chad as a member of the Union of Central African Republics [self-rule within the French Community] (1958–1960); Republic of Chad [independent state] (1960– ) Chad
Comoros COM 581 KM COM 174 COM 153 French Protectorate of the Comoros (1900–1912); Mayotte and Dependencies (1912–1914); Comoros subordinated to Madagascar (1914–1946); Comoros as a French overseas territory (1946–1975); Union of the Comoros [independent state] (1975– ) Comoros
Congo CON 484 CG COG 178 COG 112 Middle Congo (1903–1910); Middle Congo (1903–1910); Middle Congo as part of the French Equatorial Africa (1910–1934); Middle Congo under direct administration of the governor-general of French Equatorial Africa (1934); Middle Congo as part of the French Equatorial Africa (1934–1958); Middle Congo as a member of the newly formed Union of Central African Republics (1958–1958); Congo Republic as a member of the newly formed Union of Central African Republics (1958–1960); Congo Republic [independent state] (1960); Congo Republic (1960–1970); People’s Republic of the Congo (1970–1991); Republic of the Congo (1991– ) Congo
Djibouti DJI 522 DJ DJI 262 DJI 113 French colony of French Somaliland (1900–1967); Territoire Francais des Afars et des Issas (1967–1977); Republic of Djibouti [independent state], (1977– ) Djibouti
Equatorial Guinea EQG 411 GQ GNQ 226 GNQ 160 Colony of Rio Muni, Colony of Elobey, Annobon and Corisco, and Island of Bioko [autonomous from one another] [under Spanish rule] (1900–1926); Colony of Spanish Guinea (1926–1959); Provinces of the Spanish Equatorial Region (1959–1963); Equatorial Guinea [autonomous community] (1963–1968); Republic of Equatorial Guinea [independent state] (1968– ) Equatorial Guinea
Eritrea ERI 531 ER ERI 232 ERI 115 Italian colony (1900–1936); Eritrea as a province of Italian East Africa (1936–1941); Eritrea under British occupation [administered under the terms of a UN mandate] (1941–1951); Federation of Ethiopia and Eritrea (1952–1962); Eritrea as a territory within Ethiopia (1962–1993); State of Eritrea [independent state] (1993– ) Eritrea
Ethiopia ETH 530 ET ETH 231 ETH 38 Empire of Ethiopia (1789–1936); Empire of Ethiopia under Italian occupation (1936–1941); Empire of Ethiopia (1941–1974); Socialist Ethiopia (1974–1991); Socialist Ethiopia [transition phase] (1991–1995); Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1995– ) Ethiopia
Gabon GAB 481 GA GAB 266 GAB 116 Gabon under French sphere of influence (1900–1910); Gabon as part of the French Equatorial Africa (1910–1958); Gabon as a member of the Union of Central African Republics (1958–1960); Gabonese Republic [independent state] (1960–) Gabon
Gambia GAM 420 GM GMB 270 GMB 117 British Crown Colony of the Gambia (1900–1965); The Gambia [independent state] (1965); The Gambia [republic within the Commonwealth] (1965–1970); Republic of the Gambia (1970– ) Gambia
Ghana GHA 452 GH GHA 288 GHA 7 Gold Coast Colony (1900–1902); Gold Cost Colony [consisting of the coastal regions] (1902–1919); Gold Coast Colony [joined by part of German Togoland] (1919); Gold Coast Colony [conquered territory of Asante, Northern territories protectorates ruled by a single governor] (1919–1946); Gold Coast Colony (1946–1956); Gold Coast Colony [joined by British Togoland and protectorates] (1956); Gold Coast Colony (1956–1957); Republic of Ghana (1957– ) Ghana
Guinea GUI 438 GN GIN 324 GIN 63 French Guinea [part of French West Africa] (1900–1958); Republic of Guinea [independent state] (1958– ) Guinea
Guinea-Bissau GNB 404 GW GNB 624 GNB 119 Colony of Portuguese Guinea (1900–1973); Republic of Guinea Bissau [independent state] (1973– ) Guinea-Bissau
Ivory Coast CDI 437 CI CIV 384 CIV 64 Ivory Coast as a French colony (1900–1904); Ivory Coast [part of French West Africa] (1904–1958); Ivory Coast [member of French Community] (1958–1960); Republic of Cˆote d’Ivoire [independent state] (1960–) Ivory Coast
Kenya KEN 501 KE KEN 404 KEN 40 East Africa Protectorate (1900–1920); British colony of Kenya (1920–1963); Republic of Kenya [independent state] (1963– ) Kenya
Lesotho LES 570 LS LSO 426 LSO 85 British Protectorate of Basutoland (1900–1966); Kingdom of Lesotho [independent state] (1966– ) Lesotho
Liberia LBR 450 LR LBR 430 LBR 86 Cape Mesurado Colony (1821–1824); Colony of Liberia (1824–1839); Commonwealth of Liberia (1839–1847); Republic of Liberia (1847– ) Liberia
Madagascar MAG 580 MG MDG 450 MDG 125 Kingdom of Imerina (1817–1896); Kingdom of Imerina under French Protectorate (1896–1897); French colony of Madagascar (1897–1958); Malagasy Republic [self-rule within the French Community] (1958–1960); Republic of Madagascar [independent state] (1960– ) Madagascar
Malawi MAW 553 MW MWI 454 MWI 87 British colony of Nyasaland (1900–1953); Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland/Central African Federation [consolidated with Rhodesia (North and South)] (1953–1963); British colony of Nyasaland (1963–1964); Republic of Malawi [independent state] (1964– ) Malawi
Mali MLI 432 ML MLI 466 MLI 28 French Sudan/Sudanese Republic (1900–1958); Mali Federation (1958–1960), Republic of Mali (1960– ) Mali
Mauritania MAA 435 MR MRT 478 MRT 65 Mauritania as a French colony (1900–1904); Mauritania as a French colony [boundaries established] (1904–1912); Mauritania as a French colony [fully pacified] (1912); Mauritania as a French colony (1912–1920); Mauritania [member of French West Africa] (1920–1958); Republic of Mauritania [within the French Community]; Islamic Republic of Mauritania [independent state] (1960– ) Mauritania
Mauritius MAS 590 MU MUS 480 MUS 180 Mauritius as a British colony (1900–1968); Republic of Mauritius [independent state] (1968-) Mauritius
Mozambique MZM 541 MZ MOZ 508 MOZ 57 Portuguese colony (1900–1975); Independent state (1975– ) Mozambique
Namibia NAM 565 NA NAM 516 NAM 127 German Southwest Africa (1900–1915); Southwest Africa as a South African colony (1915–1989); Republic of Namibia [independent state] (1990– ) Namibia
Niger NIR 436 NE NER 562 NER 60 Niger under French influence (1900–1922); Niger as a French colony (1922–1958); Niger [self-rule within French Community] (1958–1960); Republic of Niger [independent state] (1960– ) Niger
Nigeria NIG 475 NG NGA 566 NGA 45 Protectorate of Northern Nigeria and the Niger Coast Protectorate/ Protectorate of Southern Nigeria [divided] (1900–1914); Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria [unified] (1914–1960); Federal Republic of Nigeria [independent state] (1960– ) Nigeria
Rwanda RWA 517 RW RWA 646 RWA 129 Part of German East Africa (1900–1916); Ruanda-Urundi (1916–1962); Republic of Rwanda [independent state] (1962– ) Rwanda
Sao Tome and Principe STP 403 ST STP 678 STP 196 Portuguese colony (1900–1975); Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe [independent state] (1975– ) Sao Tome and Principe
Senegal SEN 433 SN SEN 686 SEN 31 French colony of Senegal (1904–1959); Mali Federation (1959–1960); Senegal [independent state] (1960–1982); Senegambia (1982–1989); Republic of Senegal (1989– ) Senegal
Seychelles SEY 591 SC SYC 690 SYC 199 Seychelles as a British crown colony (1903–1976); Republic of the Seychelles [independent state within the Commonwealth] (1976– ) Seychelles
Sierra Leone SIE 451 SL SLE 694 SLE 95 Sierra Leone British colony (1900–1924); Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate [each with separate legislatures] (1924–1953); Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate [self-rule] (1953–1961); Republic of Sierra Leone [independent state] (1961– ) Sierra Leone
Somalia SOM 520 SO SOM 706 SOM 130 Somalia under formal Italian control over most of the territory [except British Somaliland] (1900–1910 ); Somalia under effective (more or less) Italian control (1910–1941); Somalia under British occupation (1941–1950); UN Trust Territory of Somalia under Italian administration (1950–1960); Somali Republic [unites Somaliland with the Trust Territory of Somalia] (1960–1969); Somali Democratic Republic (1969–1991); Somali Democratic Republic [civil war] (1991-2004); Transitional Federal Government [civil war] (2004-2012); Federal Government of Somalia [civil war] (2012– ) Somalia
South Africa SAF 560 ZA ZAF 710 ZAF 8 South Africa as a British colony (1900–1910); Union of South Africa (1910–1931); Union of South Africa [independent state] (1931–1961); Union of South Africa [exits the Commonwealth] (1961); Republic of South Africa (1961– ) South Africa
South Sudan SSD 626 SS SSD 728 SSD 32 Sudan (1900-2011); Republic of South Sudan [independent state] (2011– ) South Sudan
Sudan SUD 625 SD SDN 729 SDN 33 British colony under auspices of Anglo-Egyptian condominium (1900–1956); Republic of the Sudan [independent state] (1956–) Sudan
Swaziland SWA 572 SZ SWZ 748 SWZ 132 Swaziland under British protectorate (1900–1968); Kingdom of Swaziland [independent state] (1968– ) Swaziland
Tanzania TAZ 510 TZ TZA 834 TZA 47 Part of German East Africa (1900–1914); Tanganyika and Zanzibar [governed separately] under British League of Nations mandate (1914–1961); Tanganyika [independent state] and Zanzibar under British League of Nations mandate (1961–1964); Tanzania [Zanzibar joins Tanganyika][independent state] (1964– ) Tanzania
Togo TOG 461 TG TGO 768 TGO 134 German protectorate (1900–1905); German colony of Togoland (1905–1916); Togoland under French and British administration [split into two League of Nations mandates] (1916–1946); Togoland under French and British administration [U.N. Trust Territories] (1946–1956); British Togoland joins Gold Coast, French Togoland continues a U.N. Trust Territory (1956–1959); British Togolando [joined with Gold Coast], French Togoland [autonomous republic within the French Union] (1959–1960); Togolese Republic [independent state] (1960– ) Togo
Uganda UGA 500 UG UGA 800 UGA 50 Uganda as a British protectorate (1900–1914); Uganda as a British protectorate [final shape achieved] (1914); Uganda as a British protectorate (1914–1962); Republic of Uganda [independent state within the Commonwealth] (1962– ) Uganda
Zambia ZAM 551 ZM ZMB 894 ZMB 61 North-Eastern Rhodesia and North-Western Rhodesia [British colonies] (1900–1911); Colony of Northern Rhodesia [North-Eastern Rhodesia and North-Western Rhodesia merged] (1911–1923); Colony of Northern Rhodesia [significant self-rule] (1923); Colony of Northern Rhodesia (1923–1953); Colony of Northern Rhodesia [concolidated with Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia into the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland/Central African Federation] (1953–1963); Colony of Northern Rhodesia (1963–1964); Republic of Zambia [independent state] (1964– ) Zambia
Zanzibar ZAN 511 ZZB 236 Sultanate of Zanzibar [independent] (1856–1885); Sultanate of Zanzibar under German protectorate (1885–1890); Sultanate of Zanzibar under British protectorate (1890–1963); Sultanate of Zanzibar [independent] (1963–1964); People’s Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba (1964); People’s Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba [joins Tanganyika to form Tanzania as a semi-autonomous region](1964) Sultanate of Zanzibar People's Republic of Zanzibar
Zimbabwe ZIM 552 ZW ZWE 716 ZWE 62 British colony of Southern Rhodesia (1900–1923); British Colony of Southern Rhodesia [self-governing] (1923–1953); British Colony of Southern Rhodesia [consolidated with Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia into the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland/Central African Federation] (1953–1964); Rhodesia [independent state] (1964); Rhodesia (1964–1979); Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1979–1980); Republic of Zimbabwe (1980– ) Zimbabwe




Middle East and North Africa



STIL noch APA anpassen!!!

  • Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Vlad Ciobanu, and Moa Olin. 2018. ”V-Dem Country Coding Units v8” Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project.
  • Correlates of War Project. 2016. “State System Membership List, v2016.”