Pupil-teacher ratio in tertiary education (UIS)

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Metric
Value labels NA (no information available)
Technical name stud_teach_ratio_tert_count_uis
Category Education and training
Label Pupil-teacher ratio in tertiary education (UIS)
Related indicators

"Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education, based on headcounts of both pupils and teachers." (UIS). "A high pupil-teacher ratio suggests that each teacher has to be responsible for a large number of pupils. In other words, the higher the pupil/teacher ratio, the lower the relative access of pupils to teachers. It is generally assumed that a low pupil-teacher ratio signifies smaller classes, which enables the teacher to pay more attention to individual students, which may in the long run result in a better performance of the pupils." (UIS).

Coding rules

"Divide the total number of pupils enrolled at the specified level of education by the number of teachers at the same level." (UIS).

Bibliographic info

Citation: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), http://data.uis.unesco.org/, Last accessed: 2020.03.10

Related publications: NA (no information available)


Project manager(s): Windzio, Michael; Besche, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen

Data release: NA (no information available)

Revisions: NA (no information available)


NA (no information available)