Net enrolment rate, secondary, female (UIS)

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Metric
Value labels NA (no information available)
Technical name edu_fem_sec_net_enroll_uis
Category Education and training
Label Net enrolment rate, secondary, female (%)
Related indicators edu_pri_net_enroll_uis, edu_upsec_net_enroll_uis, edu_fem_pre_net_enroll_uis, edu_fem_upsec_net_enroll_uis, edu_male_pre_net_enroll_uis, edu_male_comp_net_enroll_uis, edu_male_pri_net_enroll_uis, edu_fem_lowsec_net_enroll_uis, edu_male_lowsec_net_enroll_uis, edu_fem_comp_net_enroll_uis, edu_lowsec_net_enroll_uis, edu_male_vet_prop_15-24_enroll_uis, edu_comp_net_enroll_uis, edu_fem_pri_net_enroll_uis, edu_male_upsec_net_enroll_uis, edu_sec_net_enroll_uis, edu_pre_net_enroll_uis, edu_vet_prop_15-24_enroll_uis, edu_fem_vet_prop_15-24_enroll_uis, edu_male_sec_net_enroll_uis

"Total number of students in the theoretical age group for a given level of education enrolled in that level, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group." (UIS)

Coding rules

"Divide the number of students enrolled who are of the official age group for a given level of education by the population for the same age group and multiply the result by 100."(UIS)

Bibliographic info

Citation: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS),, Last accessed: 2020.03.30

Related publications: NA (no information available)


Project manager(s): Windzio, Michael; Besche, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen

Data release: NA (no information available)

Revisions: NA (no information available)


NA (no information available)