Global economic competition on export-markets
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | value labels |
Technical name | comp_exportmarkets |
Category | Economic relations |
Label | Competition on export-marktes |
Related indicators | Global economic competition on export-markets |
This indicator captures economic competition between countries by using export data. Competition on export-markets of two countries A and B is defined in terms of the distribution of their exports among the respective export partners. If the trade volumes of A and B are similarly distributed among the sales markets, then there is a high degree of competition.
Coding rules
We used export data of the United Nations Comtrade dataset ( for 164 countries from 1962 to 2018. The country sample and the calculation of indicator (including the Phyton script) is described in detail in a technical paper (Mossig et al 2021).
Bibliographic info
Citation: Mossig, I./Heuer, H./Lischka, M./Besche-Truthe, F. (2021): Measuring global competition in export markets and export sectors. SFB 1342, Technical Paper Series/8/2021, Bremen: SFB 1342.
Related publications: Mossig, I./Heuer, H./Lischka, M./Besche-Truthe, F. (2021): Measuring global competition in export markets and export sectors. SFB 1342, Technical Paper Series/8/2021, Bremen: SFB 1342.
Project manager(s): Ivo Mossig (A01), Hendrik Heuer (A01), Michael Lischka (A01), Fabian Besche-Truhe (A05)
Data release: 2021.03.23
Revisions: NA (no information available)