Enrollment trend in secondary education (CRC 1342)
Quick info | |
Data type | metric |
Scale | country * time |
Value labels | Share of cohort in % |
Technical name | edu_enroll_sec |
Category | {{{category}}} |
Label | {{{label}}} |
Related indicators |
The enrollment trend is an artifically created trend of the possible and probable development of enrollment seconday enrollment for both sexes from 1820 until 2018. Data from multiple historical sources was combined, interpolated, and smoothed out to create an approximation to historically accurate data. The trend is specifically created to compare the effects of the possible impact of school enrollment on the historical development of national indicators. It is not historically accurate data, but a close approximation.
Coding rules
The COW country coding rules are used.
Bibliographic info
Citation: Helen Seitzer, Michael Windzio (2021). Development of Historical Enrolment Trends SFB 1342 Technical Paper Series, 6 Bremen: SFB1342
Related publications: https://socialpolicydynamics.de/publikationen?publ=10222
Project manager(s): Michael Windzio / Helen Seitzer / Fabian Besche
Data release:
See codebook