Major reform 1
Quick info | |
Data type | Numerical |
Scale | Binary |
Value labels | Yes = 1 (in the year in which the major reform happens)
No = 0 |
Technical name | health_HC_regulation_MajorReformBinary |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Major reform_1 |
Related indicators | NA (no information available) |
To constitute a major healthcare reform, the law must (potentially) introduce a paradigmatic shift by aiming at a sustained and substantial change in the logic of at least one of the three dimensions of provision, financing and regulation.
Coding rules
1. Nation-wide law succeeding the legislation that introduces the HC system
2. One of the following: a. Responsible actors for providing services change b. Responsible actors for funding the system change c. Responsible actors for regulating the system change
Bibliographic info
Citation: NA (no information available)
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): NA (no information available)
Data release: NA (no information available)
Revisions: NA (no information available)
Secondary literature, expert survey and legislation