Coverage of old-age pension, aggregate

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Metric
Value labels Not applicable
Technical name old_pension_cov_tot
Category Old age and survivors
Label Coverage of old-age pension, aggregate
Related indicators old_pension_agri, old_pension_exmai

This indicator merges data on the horizontal and vertical coverage of old-age pension programs.

  • Horizontal coverage

The horizontal dimension counts how many occupational/social groups of a predefined list are covered. This list comprises the following groups and sectors: 1) agriculture, 2) extractive and manufacturing industry, 3) commerce and finance, 4) students and apprentices, 5) domestic and family workers, 6) home workers, 7) employers, 8) self-employed, 9) temporary and seasonal workers, 10) foreign workers, and 11) all citizens.

Coding rules

coding rules

Bibliographic info

Citation: Grünewald, Aline. 2020. "The historical origins of old-age pension schemes: Mapping global patterns."Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: 1-19.

Related publications: related publications


Project manager(s): Aline Grüenwald

Data release: data release

Revisions: revisions

