Duration of minimum education in years (CRC 1342)

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Quick info
Data type Numeric
Scale Metric
Value labels NA (no information available)
Technical name edu_dur_min
Category Education and training
Label Duration of minimum education in years
Related indicators NA (no information available)

This indicator refers to the duration of minimum education in years.

Coding rules

It is the length of compulsory education in years. This indicator refers to the minimum of compulsory-schooling and requires the duration in years.

Subcategory I: The indicators in this dataset can be grouped into 5 categories, based on the information they contain: system, resources, performance, participation and cultural reproduction. In addition, a second category allows a more differentiated classification of the different indicators. In general, the systems category defines all legally implemented structures of education systems (e.g. the introduction of compulsory schooling). Resources denotes financial or personnel resources a system can distribute (e.g. student-teacher ratios). Performance describes indicators linked to the successful progression of student through the education system (for example completion rates). Cultural reproduction is mostly linked to the curriculum and describes indicators related to teaching content. The grouping of indicators allows for a better overview of the data as displayed in WESIS.

Subcategory II: Durations

Indicators containing durations specify the official minimum duration of a given level of education. This can entail the duration of all compulsory levels, split into the primary and secondary sector as well as non-compulsory durations such as state-wide, state offered programs such as pre-school or higher education.

For further information see the Technical Paper:

Bibliographic info

Citation: NA (no information available)

Related publications: NA (no information available)


Project manager(s): Windzio, Michael; Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen

Data release: NA (no information available)

Revisions: NA (no information available)


NA (no information available)