Health hc financing comprivinssc curusdpercap ghed
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Current US$ Per Capita |
Technical name | health_hc_financing_comprivinssc_curusdpercap_ghed |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Compulsory private insurance schemes in current US$ per capita (GHED) |
Related indicators | NA (no information available) |
Per capita Compulsory private insurance schemes expenditure expressed in current US$. Compulsory private insurance is a financing arrangement under which all residents (or a large group of the population) are obliged to take out health insurance with a health insurance company or health insurance fund, meaning that the purchase of private coverage is mandatory. The insurance is established by (i.e. entitlement for services is based on) an insurance contract/ agreement between the individual and the insurer.
Coding rules
Coding rules in accordance with GHED operationalisation
Bibliographic info
Citation: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Health Organization (WHO), and Eurostat. 2011. A System of Health Accounts. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): NA (no information available)
Data release: NA (no information available)
Revisions: NA (no information available)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Health Organization (WHO), and Eurostat. 2011. A System of Health Accounts. Paris: OECD Publishing.