Health hc financing domgovhexp perche wb
Quick info | |
Data type | Numeric |
Scale | Metric |
Value labels | Percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) |
Technical name | health_hc_financing_domgovhexp_perche_wb |
Category | Health and long-term care |
Label | Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure) (WB) |
Related indicators | NA (no information available) |
Share of current health expenditures funded from domestic public sources for health. Domestic public sources include domestic revenue as internal transfers and grants, transfers, subsidies to voluntary health insurance beneficiaries, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) or enterprise financing schemes as well as compulsory prepayment and social health insurance contributions. They do not include external resources spent by governments on health.
Coding rules
Coding rules according to World Bank.
Bibliographic info
Citation: World Bank. 2018. "Health Nutrition and Population Statistics."
Related publications: NA (no information available)
Project manager(s): NA (no information available)
Data release: NA (no information available)
Revisions: NA (no information available)
World Bank. 2018. "Health Nutrition and Population Statistics."