Number of Years Polity Has Persisted. Polity IV.
Quick info | |
Data type | Date |
Scale | Date |
Value labels | Not Applicable |
Technical name | regime_polity_persist |
Category | Polity |
Label | Polity Persistence |
Related indicators |
The (rounded) number of years the polity has persisted without a recorded change in values on any of the six Polity component variables.
Coding rules
This variable differs from the DURABLE variable above on the basis of the level of change used to denote a “new” polity: DURABLE is based on a 3-point change on the POLITY index (or lapse into a special condition denoted by a “standardized authority code”), whereas the PERSIST variable is based on any change in any of the six component variables (some of these changes may not be reflected in a change on the POLITY index).
Bibliographic info
Citation: Marshall, Monty G., Ted Robert Gurr, and Keith Jaggers. 2017. Dataset Users’ Manual. Polity IV Project. Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2016. Center for Systemic Peace. [1].
Related publications: related publications
Project manager(s): project managers
Data release: data release
Revisions: revisions