Regime Durability. Polity IV.
Quick info | |
Data type | Date |
Scale | Date |
Value labels | Not Applicable |
Technical name | regime_polity_durable |
Category | Polity |
Label | Regime Durability |
Related indicators |
The number of years since the most recent regime change
Coding rules
Defined by a three point change in the POLITY score over a period of three years or less) or the end of transition period defined by the lack of stable political institutions (denoted by a standardized authority score). In calculating the DURABLE value, the first year during which a new (post-change) polity is established is coded as the baseline “year zero” (value = 0) and each subsequent year adds one to the value of the DURABLE variable consecutively until a new regime change or transition period occurs. Values are entered for all years beginning with the first regime change since 1800 or the date of independence if that event occurred after 1800.
Bibliographic info
Citation: Marshall, Monty G., Ted Robert Gurr, and Keith Jaggers. 2017. Dataset Users’ Manual. Polity IV Project. Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2016. Center for Systemic Peace. [1].
Related publications: related publications
Project manager(s): project managers
Data release: data release
Revisions: revisions